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Help? Stuck at 10-20 FPS after mods


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I would like to ask for help. I installed a mod, then another, and oh that one looks great too... And now, some mods later, my game is often stuck at 10 FPS and gameplay has become a bit uncomfortable.


I could simply uninstall all the mods, but I would rather try a different approach - I would like to ask for help in learning which of the mods I have installed are higher and lower in the "improvements added:performance drop" ratio, so I could know what I can remove to have a better performance without losing too many benefits from the mods. Or, if there's a mod I could install that would improve the performance of what I already have.


My current mods: https://modwat.ch/u/Erasculio


I'm managing them through Nexus Mod Manager. LOOT says there's no issue with the mod order.


My system (it's old):

  • CPU: Intel Core i7-2600K 3.4GHz (8 CPUs)
  • Memory: 16 GB
  • Video cards: two AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series 4 GB

I have noticiably worse performance when within interior areas (there's a kind of cave in which the FPS drop is brutal, and I'm often stuck at 10 FPS). Outside, in the main world, I'm usually at low 20s FPS.


I'm guessing I would get a rather big improvement if I uninstalled Natural Lighting Vivid Atmospherics, but it has also improved the game a lot. Is there any other mod that I could unistall to get a better performance? Is Skyrim Project Optimization helping at all? Is there any other mod that could help my game's performance?


Thanks for any help, and I apologize for any mistake in my writing, English isn't my first language.

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SMIM eats up VRAM, so try uninstalling that. Though you really just need to remove Natural Lighting Vivid Atmospheres from your load order. It's likely too much for your PC.

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are you using Safety Load ?
if no .. try it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LINK HERE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


to what i understand it prevents your game from "caching" all the models you have ...
like if you have 600 hair presets/model/texture your game will "cache" all of em... so this mod will basically prevents it... thus allowing more space for the items you are currently using ^_^

NOTE: idk if caching is the right word to use but its idea shud be similar. ^_^

Edited by pr0x1ma1
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