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Thoughts on the Forsworn


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Just wondering what everyone thought about the whole Forsworn thing. Note: I haven't played through The Forsworn Conspiracy yet, but I have a good idea how that storyline goes.


Personally, I have a great deal of sympathy for them, and if they didn't randomly shoot at me while I was out and about, I would not kill any of them. Which is kind of the problem; while I can totally understand wanting their native lands back, and especially their strong vendetta against Ulfric for his extremely bad behaviour before the game began, they strike me as being way too indiscriminate. If nothing else, trying to stab random tourists completely independent of any guilt in the situation doesn't strike me as a good way to do things. If you're going to kill people to get back what is yours, fine, but at least kill the right people.


Still, releasing their King ultimately sounds right to me (assuming he also isn't going to murder a bunch of innocent people), considering that to do otherwise allows the Silverbloods to continue owning the place with complete impunity, and nobody wants that.


Because on the other hand, in Markarth 'right' is kind of a dubious thing anyway. Half the time I am strongly tempted to kill every single corrupt member of that city so the remaining 15% or so can start over. Then, in a more dynamic game, we could fill the resultant vacancy by peacefully welcoming the Forsworn back, and everyone wins. Except the Silverbloods. They'd be dead.


Your thoughts?

Edited by Kyuukei
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One of my main missions in Skyrim is the consistent extermination of all Forsworn. Killing innocent people => no sympathy, they gots to go.


As for the Silverbloods, sadly they're a fact of life. Markarth can't function properly without Cidhna mine and if someone has to work it, why not prisoners? I don't think the system is bad, the problem is everyone is so corrupt that innocent people are being jailed.

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Then I'd kill them and replace them with someone decent.




Yeah, that's the thing. Their cause is a good one, but the way they go about it is very wrong. So, I'm still kind of on the fence about the whole Ragged King thing, I suppose, depending on what he actually intends to do. Having not met him yet, I don't know how sympathetic he is personally. Perhaps the best approach is to kill him and then the Silverbloods. Either way, I'd rather innocent people not suffer, but it seems that would occur either way and so from that perspective, The Forsworn Conspiracy would be a lose-lose.

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I'm of the opinion that Markarth is a honeytrap. Everyone wants in but all it leads to is death. After the abandoned house and the cannibals, I decided if any place in Skyrim should be wiped off the map, it is Markarth. If Ulfric really did commit genocide on the foresworn and their allies, if they were anything like they are out in the wild, pillaging, mutilating and worshiping cannibal hagravens, then the only thing he did wrong was that he didn't do a thorough enough job.
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I'm of the opinion that Markarth is a honeytrap. Everyone wants in but all it leads to is death. After the abandoned house and the cannibals, I decided if any place in Skyrim should be wiped off the map, it is Markarth. If Ulfric really did commit genocide on the foresworn and their allies, if they were anything like they are out in the wild, pillaging, mutilating and worshiping cannibal hagravens, then the only thing he did wrong was that he didn't do a thorough enough job.


... the Hagravens are cannibals TOO??


Just when I thought The Reach couldn't get any creepier.

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They have a good cause, and the Silverbloods deserve whatever the Forsworn want to do to them, but unfortunately the Forsworn attack everyone, including innocents, with no goal besides killing. If there was a mod for a more peaceful Forsworn faction I'd join them in a second.
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I would sympathize with the forsworn if they did not try to kill me every time I see one of them; the silver-bloods are far too corrupt. Who to side with? The answer to this dilemma: murder both sides in cold blood.


Remember Runa Fair-shield's quote "Kill one person, and you can solve so many problems. I wonder at the possibilities"? Time to apply it.

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The Forsworn are 100% terrorists and cowards and to my mind the most contemptible people in Skyrim. The whole "who was here first" argument has little merit to it in the first place because everyone's got a different opinion if you ask them. The Forsworn say they were here before the Nords, The Nords believe they originated in Skyrim along with all of mankind, hence they were the first, however many lore sources say (correct me if I'm wrong) that the elves were there before men anyway.


Secondly, the forsworn are the epitomy of cowardice. They knew they couldn't fight the Empire, so they attacked like cowards when the Empire was away fighting the Thalmor. Then the Stormcloaks got called in to help reclaim the Reach, which they did by military action, scattering all the Forsworn to the winds. So what do the Forsworn do now? They occupy various camps in the Reach terrorizing innocent civillians.


I find them so disgusting I have a hard time even feeling bad for the guy who was put in prison just because he associated with them. He should've ratted those bastards out to the authorities!

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