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Teleportation Script Assistance

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I can't figure out how to get teleportation to work, doesn't help that I don't really have much of a clue when it comes to papyrus scripting. Anyway what I'm trying to do is give users of my mod "The Wild Wasteland" a way to get into my testing cell, mainly for xbox users as they can't use console commands. Basically I've tried making a radio, a television, a button and a holotape that are supposed to teleport the user to the cell. However none of it works and I'm close to ripping my hair out. Here's what my most recent attempt looks like. Also I can't compile terminal fragments for whatever reason. If someone could explain to me what I'm doing wrong here I'd really appreciate it.

Current Attempt:

;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment

Scriptname Fragments:Terminals:TERM_000WZWWDebugHolotapeTer_0101C454 Extends Terminal Hidden Const

;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_Terminal_01

Function Fragment_Terminal_01(ObjectReference akTerminalRef)






;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment

Also I've tried this:

Scriptname WZWWDebugTeleport:WZWWDebugTeleport extends ObjectReference Const

{ObjectReference Property teleportLocation Auto Const

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

ObjectReference akActionRef = teleportLocation



ObjectReference Property teleportlocation Auto Const

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you may find this thread


with JetSteele incredibly helpful.




now, if you're attempting to "hijack a teleport"

or, teleport to a memory lounger simulation from the basic world...

those are very specific and tricky situations to resolve hehe.


It's also counter-intuitive;

going to sleep at Spectacle Island, and waking up on the holodeck at Goodneighbor...

or the "Putting Challenge simulation" at Goodneighbor...


I hope you'll find it fun though,

as when you combine it with holograms and such,

any door to any where, new lands etc.

you can achieve some very cool effects.

this is also partly how we resolved landing a vertibird at a mobile "elevator-based settlement",

a settlement in whole or part which can move...

such as a scrap-scraper settlement or Vault 66.6 project.


you'll also need to consider this thread too;


as, teleporting within a teleport and hijacking that...

can lead to some weird stuff that mimics some of the stuff covered in this thread.



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