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Question: Possible to skip marriage ceremony with console?


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Ok, first, I've looked over the forum and haven't found a way to do it... If it's in here, please link!


So, what I want is, like, an instant marriage, **** the ceremony... I've started replaying Skyrim lately and one thing that I disliked (the last time I tried) was the ceremony... It was always screwed up! People not there, ceremony never starts or never ends, etc... So, this time, instead of wasting to much time trying to get the temple happy and all, I want to skip it! (Also, my Skyrim is HEAVY modded, doesn't help either)


So, this is what I tried (not sure if it really worked, gonna try tomorrow) but I'd like to know if anyone tried something like this before (or know of a better way!)


- The girl is marriable (Aranya, Elven Follower, available on nexus)

- I use prid 19dd5 (Maramal) and moveto player (so, he comes to me! No time wasting!)

- Talk with him and buy the amulet!

- I talk to Aranya and she sees the amulet! And yes I do!

- Then Setstage RelationshipMarriage, 20 (arrange the wedding), 30 (Finishing the ceremony?), 100 (Done?)


Still, Aranya stays there and can just follow me (I'm using EFF so, that may be why)


I've read that you must give your spouse 24h or so, is it true?


So, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions how to skip the ceremony, please, share!

Big thanks!




P.S. I also tried this morning to reproduce the steps done in the script... Without luck... Even adding factions and removing factions doesn't help much... I'm at a lost!

Edited by Vortaka
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I don't know how to do it by a straight-up console command myself. However, here is a well-endorsed mod that seems to do much of what you want. It's a very old mod, and recent comments are mixed on how well it works. However, it has been updated recently.


Here's a cut-and-paste of the (rather lengthy) description of the mod:


Functions of this mod:

1. Multiple merriages: once complete series of quest given by Dudestia, you can have multiple marriages, either follow the traditional way (get the amulet, propose, wedding, wait for couple hours, propose to another one...), or use the mara's bow/ force of mara spell to make a npc to be your spouse.
Dudestia provide associate services, i.e. reset your marriage status to single (in case something in the mod getting wrong), a poison to reset a NPC's status to be marriable,
and mara's bow / spell.

2. Spouse Clothes Changer and matainer: once married, you can change spouses' dresses via dialogue, the dress maintaining system should be able to keep them wear the dress and weapon.

3. Spouse housing: You can ask spouse to live in your houses and faction headquaters. With "Mark special house" shout, you can define your own special house anywhere and ask your spouses to move in.

4. Force Housing: The "force housing" spell forces NPCs to move in your special house marked by your shout, till you cast "release force housing" spell on them. The NPC is not necessary to be your spouses.

Console cheat
bat completequests complete all quests in this mod, find Dudestia outside blue plalace first and type in this command in console, then talk to dudestia to get the force of mara spell and other stuffs.
bat clearmarriage clear your marriage status to be single, you can also do this by talking to Dudestia once complete the quests
bat getbowmaterials get all materials needed for the bow quest
bat marriable make a npc marriable, remember choose the npc first and enter this command, same effect as "secret poision of seduction"

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Hum... Well, there's a link for an MCM mod (for multi marriage) in the comments... I'm gonna try it I think... (Even if I don't want multi marriage... Just, no ceremony!)


Thanks for the link!




P.S. And it worked like a charm! Thank you very much for the tip! Btw, HERE is the mod! Works great for me even though I don't use it for multi marriage... Mods are so full of surprises aren't they?

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