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broke my save or what?


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Umm hi..seems I got carried away with installing mods on an old game and something broke.


To be precise - I got a clean, basic install of Oblivion, played for a while, then added exnem body replacer and romancing of eyja..and a few other mods that seemed not to work or didn't get caught up in the running save. I thought perhaps i just need to start a new game for those to get in. Then after playing around with Eyja for a while I tried to add in abrielle humans, real walks and abrielle eyja..and all hell broke loose.


Basically when i tried to reload my game it couldnt find the Eyja resources, since i made a savegame with her in sight the lack of that was quickly visible. Trying to start a new game I couldn't choose anything related to the abrielle humans. I've tried unchecking and checking the mods again on start to no avail, installing the unofficial patch 3.2..still nothing. The saves from abrielle won't even load, my original loads without any sign of Eyja


..what am I doing wrong? missing? is there a way to get things back as they were or do the mods change some indexes/addresses i dunno of some resources randomly and now there's no no chance they'll get in the right place for my old save even if the mods start working again?

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Start by running Better Oblivion Sorting Software. Take note of any error messages and make sure you fix them. Test if the changes to the load order have helped, both with your current and with a new character.


If it' still not working, post your load order in a spoiler tag so that we can analyse it.

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Well I ran it, but it didn't help. There's still some messages that I don't understand what exactly to do with (noobish at the whole modding thing here sorry)

The odd thing is the note about eyja, while I didn't touch it (aside for switching between abriael and original esp files like that was supposed to help)




Oblivion.esm Checksum: D5733B1A

Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp Version 3.2.0 Checksum: FBE175F0

Note: Use Standalone MOBS if using Frans or OMOBS if using FCOM/OOO. Both versions can be found here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28537

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Actors.ACBS, Actors.AIData, Actors.AIPackages, Actors.CombatStyle, Actors.DeathItem, Actors.Stats, C.Climate, C.Light, C.Music, C.Name, C.Owner, Creatures.Blood, Delev, Factions, Invent, NPC.Class, Names, Relations, Relev, Scripts, Stats}} and remove [C.Water] tag(s) (only exist in older version).

RealWalk.esp Checksum: 3FBEB2D1

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Actors.Anims}}

1630-1.0-Bloodworm Helm + Necro helm for ArchMage-TESSource.esp Checksum: 4F4A5903

Bow of Shadows.esp Checksum: 323323E9

Dragonbone Cuirass.esp Version 1.2 Checksum: CB9D20B3

DaedricCrescentBlade.esp Checksum: E015F17F

Ebony Mail.esp Checksum: 4301CEBA

EleidonsWard.esp Checksum: 54730159

Ferretmyster Chrysamere.esp Checksum: EF33907A

IceBladeofTheMonarchOblivion.esp Checksum: 3A33D008

New Frostmourne Sword by Jojjo v1_0.esp Checksum: C14D953

Staff of Hasedoki Tomb.esp Checksum: 4587BCB7

True Rings of Lore.esp Checksum: F01B2A36

True Skullcrusher.esp Checksum: F984BDCB

Abriael_Human.esp Checksum: 1F3B9980

Fists of Randagulf.esp Checksum: A50A3A8B

Fists of Randagulf Patch.esp Checksum: 301FF27

Naughty_Joana_01.esp Checksum: 43C6F162

Spear_of_Bitter_Mercy.esp Checksum: 1A639DF

Female Guards.esp Checksum: 694A444B

Multiple Creature Summoning.esp Version 1.0 Checksum: AFE46FBD

SD Skill Diary.esp Version 2.3 Checksum: FC2AB0C9

eyja.esp Version 1.4 Checksum: 9FBDE389

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: C.Water}}

Contains dirty edits: 36 ITM, 20 UDR records. Needs TES4Edit cleaning: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/TES4Edit_Cleaning_Guide


wondering if the lack of OBSE might be causing any of that too

Edited by StDrake
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err okay, my fail, it seems i was cycling through two copies of abriael eyja esp files instead of that and the original. Restoring the original esp fixed my save..that's a relief.

Question remains why abriael humans doesn't load - i suspected the lack of OBSE, so tried using that, it flushed out "You are using the original version of Oblivion, please upgrade to" what gives with the leading zero? im pretty certain i got a boxed original full version of oblivion not some piratey alpha. Could it be some failed install of the unofficial patch?

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When you start the game it will show your current version number in the lower left of the screen. If it doesn't say 1.2.0416 then you don't have the most recent version. All mods these days need the 1.2.0416 version. If you have an older disk version of the game (i.e. not the latest Game of the Year two disk set) then you will need to download and install the appropriate patch from Bethesda's site ... here's the link. Note that you will need to get the patch that exactly matches your game ... language and whether or not you have the Shivering Isles installed. The latest GotY version will patch the game to version 1.2.0416 when you install SI from the second disk ... you need to do that even if you never intend to play SI.


The Unofficial Patches are just mods that fix things not fixed by the official patches ... they do not replace the official patches.

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Ugh..so that's the problem, I got the game from some rerelease edition and apparently the nice distributor didn't bother pre-patching it. I didn't pay attention and assumed it was patched..while it was not.

To make things worse I somehow got the wrong patch from here plus installed the unofficial patch without the official ones..generally broke every exe there was.


Now after a few reinstals, downloading the correct patch from bethesda and then applying UOP and OBSE..it's all fine again and the new mods working neat ^_^..well aside for abriael eyja not loading some meshes from its original, guess i'll just resign from that.


case solved and thank you ^_^

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