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Modding Rocks


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Sorry if I offended your delcate sensibilities with my salacious, childish imagery. I'll go back to reading my bible now, because, all this make-believe stuff is obvious rotting my mind...
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Gotta love the forums. No matter what pic you had posted some people would have somthing nasty to say about it just because it doesn't suit their tastes. I think it looks great myself. The whiners need to remember that the reason modding is so awesome is because you can make your game be whatever you personally like. That's the beauty of modding, if you don't like it don't use it. Just because your tastes are different is no reason to insult someone else's version of the game. I get so sick of all the sanctimonious "How dare you not like exactly what I do!?" comments on here. Ridiculous. Enjoy your mods and ignore the losers.
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And there I was, reading the title and thinking the thread would be about modding new rocks (boulders) in the game...


I... actually thought the same thing.


I thought it was a thread about terrain modding; like making rocks and boulders with better collision meshes or something...








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And there I was, reading the title and thinking the thread would be about modding new rocks (boulders) in the game...





lol I thought this too! High fives!

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