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Character classes


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I also have multiple charcters. My other (non-modded, except for NE), is a female Breton Mage (Sorceress).


Famale (I'm male). Because as a Mage, you must travel lightly, in case you must run away. The Female Breton has a higher Speed ateibute than the Male. I originally had my skills as follows:

















I changed Balde to Alchemy, though, because I figured that I can use it as a "Side-Skill," which I do. I just walk up to my enemies and zap em' with my lightning spell. :D



He he... "Your presence here will not be-" *Bzzap!* "Augh!" :ohmy:

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I guess mine's somewhat original (for now).


An Imperial, 'Nobleblade' with the sign 'The Lord'. (With a Soulpatch... Nice...)





Heavy Armour

Light Armour




Yes leveling is a female dog...

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I have a custom class I named Antamage (anta or tapir is an animal specie, not very known by its intelligence. Anyone that knows Groo the wanderer will know about I'm telling) that relies in things like Intelligence overhaul and KAS-AF The wheel path to survive. Since this main attributes would be tightly controlled and training dependent.


this is: Intelligence and Willpower - Magic - Breton/highelf/darkelf - mage/apprentice or even atronach (the playing style will be dominant in these choices)







mysticism/illusion/alteration (pick 2)


with these the control of leveling is very good.


Is easy to see that such character is very prone to die in his beginnings, but if survives it tends to become something like a demigod at level 25+


The leveling will benefit the advantages given by intelligence overhaul (more training sessions by level at higher intelligence) and the wheel path that will level attributes related to the main.


This setup can put the overall attributes near max around level 30, intelligence and willpower will be sure 100 or more if used KAS to relax the cap a bit. Strength will be enough to make a dreadful (or at least fearful) blade user, endurance will be good, and even agility and speed will be reasonable if well choose training is made.


This character will be hardly a master sneaker, but can compensate this dearly with magic. will be able to open locks easily and will do well as a charming person.


The obvious flaws in its initial surviving chances being in account of lacking armor skills (sometimes one would prefer light armor above block but I think the advantages of dodging will pay well in the end), if deadly reflex or similar combat enhancement is used block will be the obvious choice for this character type.


Well, what I can say... all my PCs level 30 above slaps alligators out of life easily (literally in the daedroth case) :) .. err, slapping with a blade is highly recommended... or if bored he can soften the foes a bit, most of time they will not even survive long enough to get near him/her.


Last words ... If one don't trust or like magical buffering will do better choosing another class :)

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I am always ALWAYS a combination of:




Heavy Armor

(These so that I will be extra tough and my stuff won't stay broken)




(So I will be quick, and I can go undetected when neccessary)


This way, I am fully rounded; I mean, who really cares about peronality and magic? When you are really powerful and very rich, no problem. As nosisab so eloquently puts it; I can just as easily "slap the gators around" as I can sneak around them.

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This Ones Kind Of Weird,...So This is What I Changed My Player To.


After Spending Alot Of Time Playing Oblivion... (Hence Completing The Main Quest)..And Allways Being the Good Guy,

I Wanted a Change,.. And Be Something Abit Different.


So I Went out Into The World Of Oblivion And Tryed To Do "Bad Things",.. But Allways Found Myself Stoping What I Was Doing Befor

I could Finnish, ie...Murdder Someone" ........I Just Cant!! Even in a Game!!!!


Wish i could Help You with This... but Im a *kittie kittie*... Sorry.

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I mainly play Warriors, but I also invented the Savage class which I enjoy.



Birth Sign: Warrior

Primary Stats: Strength, Endurance

Skills: Light Armor, Heavy Armor, Block, Blunt, Blade, Armorer, and Sneak.


The idea of the class is to make a Warrior that can also be proficient as an assassin when required. It's a good class for the Dark Brotherhood and Fighters Guild. I accidentally deleted my last Savage (saved over file by accident), but I made a Warrior now and it's going well. I love heavy-duty combat.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I made a custom class Warrioress (if there is such a word) Combat style Armorer/Blade/Block/Heavy Armor/Illusion/Mercantile/Speechcraft. She is a lot like me: get up close and personal, charm, fix stuff, shop, and talk. I would love to do marksman, but I'm too impatient, and a crappy shot. Her birth sign is Warrior, and she is governed by Strength and Personalty
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I am my own race "human" not the vanillas, a custom I created and I like light blades, light armor and light weapons. Focusing with blade and magic... but when I get in a pinch, I call forth my psionic powers (another custom/mod that I added). Sure comes in handy when needed. :biggrin:
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