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Sniper weapon choice for Commando perk?


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http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1018/? For most of your immersive ammo needs. :happy:

Thank you, how did I miss this one? I have an ammo workbench somewhere but seems broken because it only allows me to make 1 out of the 3 parts of ammo (just the casing, and it stops there, no idea what to do).


Well, for automatic weapons and scopes, I'm partial to the M2016 and the LK-05. Not necessarily for the damage, but because it looks like my character is actually looking through the frikken' scope in VATS when crouched. You know, as opposed to looking 2-3 inches above the scope and calling it "sniping".


And, after all, looking good is important. It would be a terrible insult to whoever I kill otherwise.


And yeah, I hear you about the excess 5mm ammo in the game. I did my own 5mm receivers for the LK-05, so I can have some use out of it. Less damage, highe rate of fire, 5 more rounds in a magazine than 5.56mm. I whip that one out when dealing with easier targets and save the 5.56mm ammo for stuff that needs it.

Care to send over that mod? I would do the same but while I can modify a receiver to take 5mm, I have no idea how to influence the magazine (maybe that's not even necessary). Well, technically 5mm ammo is not in excess. It may be "just right" for minigun users (I don't know, never really played a big gun character before). Since mini guns uses tons of ammo, so there needs to be enough ammo around for them. Now if you turn 5mm into rifle or submachine gun ammo, we will see 5mm as excess.


there is also the stabilised mod for gloves and arm armour that makes sniping a breeze :wink:

Funny thing, I do have this on my gloves. But I can never tell how much it helps. Maybe I need to find a weapon with super low accuracy.

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Speaking of which, IF-54 doesn't make a good sniper weapon in traditional sense because sniper weapons are usually very powerful single shot weapon. Although in this case, it probably can make a long range assault weapon. That doesn't quite exist in real life because long distance weapon needs to have higher caliber or the bullets won't travel that far. And higher caliber means high recoil. Machine gun sniping means you probably get 2 shots in and the rest of the bullets just go everywhere (and hit something you don't intend to). But let me see how this works out in game. If it is good, then I will have a machine gun sniper.


Well, my IF-54 Beowulf is definitely not acting like an "assault sniper", that's for sure. It definitely has the feel of a hard-hitting, slow-firing AP rifle.


Damage: 151

Caliber: 0.50

Fire Rate: 20

Range: 548

Accuracy: 113

Weight: 16



.50.cal Adv. Receiver

Heavy Sniper Barrel

Adv. Stock

Large Magazine

Long Scope

Heavy Muzzle Brake

Bipod Closed

Army Trim (doesn't make a difference, just a skin)


Combined with mods that increase .50 damage, disable bullet distance limit and 2x increased VATS distance, you can pull off some cool shots both manually and with VATS. Granted, over quite long distances, by the time the bullet reaches the target, there is a chance it will miss. Taking into consideration where you aimed for, the target's movement and surrounding obstacles. But with a 24-round large magazine (as a note; any large magazine I have equipped isn't Quick-Reload, for personal balance), you can afford to miss occasionally.


It's easily the best "sniper" rifle I've used thus far and I have three or four mods installed. Although, I haven't extensively used or modded the others. Fell in love with the Beowulf instantly.


Oh I used the OTHER IF-54, not Beowulf. Mods in here is weapon mod, or Fallout 4 game mods? I don't see any additional mod made for IF-54 weapons. But if needed I can go in FO4Edit to increase the damage on .50 receiver, shouldn't be hard at all. I did a lot of edit on range and AP cost of Doombased weapons. Not necessarily to cheat (heh, cheating in my own game?), but to give more playability for me. I use a lot of VATS. It's not to say I can't hold my own with FPS games, but VATS is fun for me. VATS also save lots of ammo, in scenario where I fight ghouls and radroaches (or anything that zips back and forth). Traditional methods would waste a lot of ammo. VATS would have extremely high accuracy at close distance to make use of every single bullet and also give us a cool slow-mo eye candy effect.

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there is also the stabilised mod for gloves and arm armour that makes sniping a breeze :wink:

Funny thing, I do have this on my gloves. But I can never tell how much it helps. Maybe I need to find a weapon with super low accuracy.


you can put it on arm armour as well to get almost no sway with a .50 cal hunting rifle at higher levels

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there is also the stabilised mod for gloves and arm armour that makes sniping a breeze :wink:

Funny thing, I do have this on my gloves. But I can never tell how much it helps. Maybe I need to find a weapon with super low accuracy.


If you have Stability on both arms and gloves, it can make quite a difference in scope sway early on.


As for the .50 mods, it's a mod here on Nexus that increases the caliber's damage. So it affects all .50 weapons. Think the one I used was "Powerful .50" or something like that. Unsure if that's the actual name for it. Got so many mods lol.

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I'm using Weapon Realism Overhaul which calculates muzzle velocity using caliber and barrel length. .50 cal hunting rifle with a long barrel calculates to over 300 damage per shot (in my current game at level 25 without all the perks or receiver upgrades. I haven't got the .50 cal upgrade yet as I am not high enough level. .308 does over 130 damage per shot which is good enough)


on a side note. one of the industrial plots from a sim settlement addon is an ammo factory. don't know which one off hand :(

Edited by mighty zog
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I'm using Weapon Realism Overhaul which calculates muzzle velocity using caliber and barrel length. .50 cal hunting rifle with a long barrel calculates to over 300 damage per shot (in my current game at level 25 without all the perks or receiver upgrades. I haven't got the .50 cal upgrade yet as I am not high enough level. .308 does over 130 damage per shot which is good enough)


on a side note. one of the industrial plots from a sim settlement addon is an ammo factory. don't know which one off hand :sad:

I'd love to use that, but I have weapon-altering mods already and removing them mid-game can have adverse effects (as with most mods) but it's on my list for the next time I decide to play, for sure.

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there is also the stabilised mod for gloves and arm armour that makes sniping a breeze :wink:

Funny thing, I do have this on my gloves. But I can never tell how much it helps. Maybe I need to find a weapon with super low accuracy.


If you have Stability on both arms and gloves, it can make quite a difference in scope sway early on.


As for the .50 mods, it's a mod here on Nexus that increases the caliber's damage. So it affects all .50 weapons. Think the one I used was "Powerful .50" or something like that. Unsure if that's the actual name for it. Got so many mods lol.



Really, there is a way to alter generic .50 ammo damage? To my knowledge and experience in FO4 modding, damage and ammo are dependent on the weapon's values. Say hunting rifle .50 receiver can be made to take .50 ammo and will set to 100 damage (just for example). I can create a new .esp to overwrite that record and make that hunter rifle .50 receiver to do 130 damage. So for custom weapon, I also need to do it for each and every weapon. How can a mod increase damage for all .50 without knowing the existence of custom weapon? I am going to have to check that mod out. Can be a fun addon to my own person .esp (that merges all tiny fixed mods).


I'm using Weapon Realism Overhaul which calculates muzzle velocity using caliber and barrel length. .50 cal hunting rifle with a long barrel calculates to over 300 damage per shot (in my current game at level 25 without all the perks or receiver upgrades. I haven't got the .50 cal upgrade yet as I am not high enough level. .308 does over 130 damage per shot which is good enough)


on a side note. one of the industrial plots from a sim settlement addon is an ammo factory. don't know which one off hand :sad:


Muzzle velocity and other calculations are "bull crap" in FO4. The game does not have a physic engine for bullets. It only let us specify how much base damage a weapon has, say, 21 damage. And for each receiver we just write up a cute description to add a multiplier to the base damage (say, 1.334x to get a nice 28 damage), and we tell the game which ammo to use. Range is recorded in barrel mod. And anything out of range the game will let us specific a mutiplier on damage. Most weapons is 0.5x, so in our case, out of range damage is now 28*.5=14 damage. There is no way to write any real world calculation. I can mod a weapon to take .50 ammo and do 2 damage, and out of range damage to 200x and do 400 damage and the game will take it without question.


Very nice on Sim Settlement, I will have to wait until I use that mod. It's there installed, but I haven't gotten myself to look at Sim Settlement and try it out.


so many good weapon overhauls, each with their own unique features. how can we ever choose?


The tricky things about Overhaul is that you have no idea what exactly they changed. Some thoughtful person made an Overhaul to change a barrage of things ... from perks to weapon range and damage, etc.... I used one of those. 1 year later I came back to the game. That Overhaul was abandoned. It literately caused error in perk tree. The perk change no longer takes shape. But uninstalling messed up my save game because some of the changes were stuck in the save: corrupt save!


Solution is ... to use Overhaul that author details exactly all the changes. Or a better solution: write your own Overhaul. I wrote mine. It's not extensive. I just increased damage of Hunting Rifle to 1.8x ish for it to make sense as a long barrel bolt weapon. I up damage for 10mm and all pipe weapons by 1.5x. Originally these are too pathetic at mid and high level. I also up minigun damage by a bit when I saw my companion emptying 300 minigun rounds to kill something that took me 3 shots on Deliverer.


I think you should give that a try because it's extremely fun to edit your own weapon. This is not cheating unless you purposely jack up damage by some crazy amount. But 90% of weapon creators don't give a damn about AP cost. Like SCAR LK-05 costs more AP per shot than a fully scoped out hunting rifle (scope, long buttstock, long barrel are supposed AP killers in FO4). Now my LK05 can do about 5 shots per AP bar (for my current character), I may reduce it a little to increase 1 more shot. And my game feels balanced again. In reference, Deliverer can shoot up to some 10+ times for my AP.

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