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Brainstorming: Firearms


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I created several firearms a few weeks ago but i stopped working on them (i want to focus on the musket and the Dwemer gun) because A) there was no creation kit B) there was no way to animate them well (ok, that's still not possible yet but people work on that topic - 've seen all those idle animations and external animation stuff) and C) i know how to create models,textures and that stuff but i'm a newbie when it comes to modding, i was happy enough to "finish" Thor's Hammer.


So this thread is ! NOT ! about the sense of guns in Skyrim and the lore or details like "What ammo will be available?" or "Will there be a story/quest?", "I'd like to have the rifle from this movie/game..." or balancing and all that stuff - there are plenty of those in the request area, pls hijack them :D


Since it's too early to speak 'bout animation i'll focus on import - so any experienced guys out there that could share their knowledge?

Which weapon/spell would you replace? Can you replace stuff like a fireball with a bullet? Is there an easy way to add FITTING smoke/fire effects to the barrel?


Of course i will reverse-engineer already existing guns (looks like most replace a magic staff) and check out the existing spells/effects and how they work but sometimes people have better ideas than yourself so i guess it is no bad idea to ask for input...every minute i save this way can be spend for other things :biggrin:


The models are displayed in my gallery (link in sig) - just as a proof that i'm working on them, this is no useless thread i created just for fun.


thx & greetings

Edited by ghosu
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Not to be negative, but I disagree with 1Hat's interpretation somewhat. You couldn't have the draw time adjusted, because then you would need to HOLD the trigger and release. Which from an archery perspective makes plenty of sense, but from a firearms perspective makes no sense at all.
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Yes 1hat is mostly right, I was just looking at the projectile menu for a mod I'm working on and there are a number of options from fallout which would allow you to do this. The two most important settings for this in the projectile window are probably muzzle flash and in the projectile type drop down list there are a number of options you could play with till you get the right result (i.e. cone for shotguns, missile for most bullets). As linsolv says there would be problems with the draw time thing but you could definitely fix that with either papyrus or making the draw time so short that a click works, and changing the relaunch interval of the projectile (if that means what I think it does) to limit the fire rate. An example (untested) of the settings for a bullet which fires faster than you can see would be [ supersonic: yes ][ tracer chance: whatever you think is right ][ muzzle flash: yes (adjust settings as necesary) ][ hitscan: yes ][ pass through small transparent: yes ] Edited by civ77
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no need to replace something anymore with the creation kit out there


right now the only thing that comes to my head to have a gun is the ray spell from midas magic shoot from a wand with the texture of a laser rifle


anymore than this will really need some animations to look good

something i posted in another thread

maybe it's possible to convert the animations from oblivion to skyrim, i know a lot of guys are trying to do that, if that is done than converting fnv or fo3 animations to skyrim will be right next

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I myself made a musket and a pirate pistol, Im going to make a 3D model for the bullet instead gun before

I will use the bow as a reference (since its a ranged weapon) and replace animation and ammo used to mine (I dont have anims yet and I need to UV unwrap those guns before)


And for animation I found this:



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so as of now with a little working on the bullet and the mesh and texture from the flintlock found in nexus we could have a semi functional gun

we only need to see if it works when put togheter


this is a mod i found here and i have to test it and see how it works, still it should be a staff tipe pistol



if anyone finds some more mod of a working firearm post it here

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