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If you mean "The game crashes to the desktop right after the Bethesda logo fades out" then you have a mod conflict. Possibly multiple conflicts. Go to the Plug-ins tab in your NMM (which I presume you are using) and disable (un-check) everything except the game, DLCs and unofficial patch (if you have it.) NOW try to start a game. If you can start, then you know you have a mod conflict. Re-enable (re-check) a handful of mods at a time (and any dependencies/patches they require) and reload your save. Keep doing this until you crash at the logo again. Now you know (approximately) where the problem mod(s) are. Once you've isolated the specific mod(s) -read their descriptions carefully to see what they are conflicting with.


Also, generally speaking, you should not enable the majority of your mods until after you've completed the opening sequence ("Unbound".) The reason is because the opening sequence is heavily scripted and enabling a bunch of mods at the beginning can overload the scripting engine in Skyrim.

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