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Ambitious mod idea: needs experienced and new modders and a lot of the


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Ok, so i read a forum on the black marsh mod and i was blown away on the authors lore knowledge. That is when this idea hit me. People have been complaining about not going to akavir in any of the elder scrolls games, right? So why don't we assemble an absolutely enormous group of modders and developers to make it happen? There has been a mod already for the Tang Mo people in Oblivion. I am thinking of basing our mod in that game as it does have the capabilities to run that size of a mod without going 2 FPS. Here is the story:

Tosh Raka who is the largest dragon on Nirn and king of the tiger/dragon people of the Ka Po' Tun is building up armies to invade Tamriel. The player character, also known as the Champion of Cyrodill, assembles the greatest fighting force of all time. With the help of the exorcised spirit of Zurin Arctus, our hero looks into the future to see the Dovahkiin destroy Alduin in Sovngarde and pulls him back to the oblivion crisis time. The Nerevaine of Morrowind returns to Tamriel after his trip to Akavir (referenced in oblivion in game dialogue)

and hears about the Champion's elite force. The Nerevaine/Blodskaal travels to the Imperial City to meet the Champion and Zurin. That is when he tells them the power of the Ka Po'Tun people. They exorcise the spirits of the Eternal Champion (Hero of Arena) and the Agent (Hero of Daggerfall) as well as the Apprentice (Battlespire), Cyrus ( Redguard), Master Tunnel Rat (Stormhold), The Hero of Dawnstar, and the Hero of Shadowkey. All of these great heroes take with them the tribunal temple as well as the fighters guild and mages guild of Tamriel on their expedition to Akavir. With the help of the daedric princes they take over each of the great lands of Akavir and liberate them from the Ka Po'Tun rule. Finally, the party goes into the Serpent Kingdom and fights with Tosh Raka himself. The ensuing battle is very hard and dangerous and the victor is indecisive. Until we reach that point in the mod, we need not worry. I realize this is the craziest mod ever created and without Bethesda's help it will be impossible. I plead to all modders out there, if you can do anything to help this project, you will be put in history. The mod itself will be divided into 4 parts, 3 for the liberation of the Kamal, Tang Mo, and Tsaesci people, and 1 for the final fight. I forgot to mention that most of the world will be put in a new cell, and that by assembling the band of warriors and going to a ship on the coast of Seyda Neen, then it will simply be a small ship loading sequence and you will land on the west coast of Akavir. I realize that people have come up with ideas for this mod already and i pray for Bethesda's support on this project, if you have any means to, please make this project known, as i suspect that BethSoft has been thinking of this possibility. Now is time to make it a reality. I do not expect the final work to be finished before 2018 at the very least, but this is history being made, and it is time that we make history ;)

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You probably have the timescale correct, and I do hope the mod succeeds... but we need to have a reality check here.


Ever tried managing a multi-year project? It's difficult enough to keep paid employees working on a project for that long, let alone hobbyists who are modding in their free time. You'll notice that most of the very large mods were created by a single person for that reason.


Also, remember that in 2018, Oblivion will be a 12 year old game... how many games from 2000 still have a large following today? How many games designed for Windows 98 have problems running on Windows Vista? And how many people would rush to download a mega-mod for Diablo II, Sims 1 or Mech Warrior 4 if it were released today?


Having worked on a very large mod, I can definitely advise that the smaller the mod, the greater its chance of being completed. If your project requires significant contribution from others, you can almost certainly count on the fact that support will dry up very quickly.


If it's a personal project of yours though, I fully support your efforts and wish you the best of luck with it.

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