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My 1st ESIV mod isn't working


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Basically a friend of mine asked me to try to make Slof's Boners! mod work with a HGEC female body... why he wants this I don't know but it probably has something with his recent study abroad trip to Japan :P Anyway, I owe the guy a favor or 5 and I've done some modding in other games (basically just re-textures though) so I figured I'd give it a shot.


The problem is it uses the male lower body mesh which is bigger than the female, and just loads the female lower body texture which isn't positioned right anymore. So I deleted the male and imported the female lower body using blender, moved the boner in where it connected then exported it. As far as I could tell it looked right in both blender and nifscope but honestly not as familiar with them as I'd like to be. Now when I try to load the one I've edited it doesn't load any texture, and I'm 99% sure I have it looking in the right spot, I even tried copying the textures but still nothing.


What am I doing wrong? Other than having a friend who wants a hermaphrodite character, lol.


NifSkope says its looking for the textures in textures\clothes\as\(filename) and thats where I've put the copies of the male and female lower body textures (male for the boner texture).

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Basically a friend of mine asked me to try to make Slof's Boners! mod work with a HGEC female body... why he wants this I don't know but it probably has something with his recent study abroad trip to Japan :P Anyway, I owe the guy a favor or 5 and I've done some modding in other games (basically just re-textures though) so I figured I'd give it a shot.


The problem is it uses the male lower body mesh which is bigger than the female, and just loads the female lower body texture which isn't positioned right anymore. So I deleted the male and imported the female lower body using blender, moved the boner in where it connected then exported it. As far as I could tell it looked right in both blender and nifscope but honestly not as familiar with them as I'd like to be. Now when I try to load the one I've edited it doesn't load any texture, and I'm 99% sure I have it looking in the right spot, I even tried copying the textures but still nothing.


What am I doing wrong? Other than having a friend who wants a hermaphrodite character, lol.


NifSkope says its looking for the textures in textures\clothes\as\(filename) and thats where I've put the copies of the male and female lower body textures (male for the boner texture).


NIFs have a path to the textures... changing names without caring of redoing these paths can cause havoks... look at this, maybe is just it.

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I got it to work by doing it another way, I think I know what I did wrong at first. Problem was actually caused by me f'ing up the mesh. Now the only problem is it moves around oddly sometimes with specific pose mods but well, sometimes it hovers or shifts off-center. Unless there's a way to "wield" it in place on the pelvis my friend can suck it up and stop complaining, lol. Despite what NifSkope says it goes to the female lowerbody texture for the boner texture so its using feet texture currently (which kinda works but its annoying me that its working this way). I'd like to point it to either a different texture and it actually work or point it to a different part of the female texture that's currently blank.


So only ?s I have now are:

Is it possible to more firmly attach an object to the pelvis?

How can I point it to either a different texture for the boner and it actually work? Or point it to a different part of the female texture that's currently blank?



I've upped the nif of where I am currently, needs tweaking still for appearance etc. Just rename and replace something I guess if you don't know how to add items, its what I do right now to be lazy. I use either one of the slof's boners or a ANB's bikini's depending on which character I want to test with.

This is just a combination so all credit to whoever did the version of HGEC legs I took from the bikini mod and to Slof (or Robert, I forget who made the boners actually ATM)

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I got it to work by doing it another way, I think I know what I did wrong at first. Problem was actually caused by me f'ing up the mesh. Now the only problem is it moves around oddly sometimes with specific pose mods but well, sometimes it hovers or shifts off-center. Unless there's a way to "wield" it in place on the pelvis my friend can suck it up and stop complaining, lol. Despite what NifSkope says it goes to the female lowerbody texture for the boner texture so its using feet texture currently (which kinda works but its annoying me that its working this way). I'd like to point it to either a different texture and it actually work or point it to a different part of the female texture that's currently blank.


So only ?s I have now are:

Is it possible to more firmly attach an object to the pelvis?

How can I point it to either a different texture for the boner and it actually work? Or point it to a different part of the female texture that's currently blank?



I've upped the nif of where I am currently, needs tweaking still for appearance etc. Just rename and replace something I guess if you don't know how to add items, its what I do right now to be lazy. I use either one of the slof's boners or a ANB's bikini's depending on which character I want to test with.

This is just a combination so all credit to whoever did the version of HGEC legs I took from the bikini mod and to Slof (or Robert, I forget who made the boners actually ATM)


Clipping, sliding, seams and glitches are among the more annoying things to correct for sure. And I fear this surpasses my own capacity to help at this point. There are the much more experienced in graphic modding I'm sure will take the help from here. Sorry, but really is beyond my own experience now :/

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Np, thanks for looking. I just need to read up on modding some more and just do more trial and error. Honestly I'm glad to have something to work on that is relatively simple. Everything I thought about making as a mod was too complicated for even an experienced person to do alone, lol.



PS. I found out what I need to do is called but can't seem to do it right yet. In case someone is wondering the "weilding" is called Weight Painting. This isn't working as easily as I'd thought, still working on it. The texture problem is UV Mapping and I think it should be more up my alley... still havn't given it a shot yet as I'm working on the weight painting.

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