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FPS drops near town or busy places


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Hey all,


I have modded my game quite a bit and i get fps drops near towns and bussy places but after checking it with skyrim performance monitor and other stuff i can not realy find the reason. maby because i dont understand it or because i mis somthing can u guys look it over and tell me where my problem lie.


My pc is:

CPU: AMD 8350

Mem: DDR3 1600MHz 16gb

GPU: GeForce GTX 1070

OS: Windows 10

HDD & SSD: on SSD windows on HDD games and other stuff my skyrim game is on a complete HDD for game and mods only


Mods :







Some screenshots Ingame:


Screenshot of Skyrim Performance monitor:
And also the log of performance monitor:
If u guys need more info ask and i send it, i dont need 60 fps but ad least some stable 30 fps would be nice.
Greetz headhunter
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Well even with the memory stick in the correct order still no difrence but if u look ad the graph u see nothing is getting max exepts some time my gpu.

But the strange thing is only in this game i see my gpu do this on other games i run it stable and steady not with sudden peaks and drops like this.


it feels more like a setting in my game, video card or ini file are wrong.

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Does it always spike when you are near a town or busy area? In that case your GPU can't handle the graphical settings, ENB, just the amount of stuff. I know I had to lower a couple of graphic settings from ultra to high on my GTX 1050. (Not that I really notice a difference... but it helped. :P )

Especially areas with fog gave me some minor lag, the one I felt the most was that mouse movement was sluggish. Such as the entrance to Helgen in the intro (if you look at the gates when you are going towards them) and the entrance to Riverwood from Helgen (for some reason there is always a lot of fog there the first time I visit).

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I have set my settings all to medium and same for my enb settings the are also on medium, and even if thats the case when i am near a town or bussy area it drop to 10 to 20 fps but still my video card is not loaded to it max its just around 60% with peak to 90%

And i mean a gtx 1070 oc overclockt to the settings of a 1080.

can play with this pc battlefield 4 on ultra and same for other heavy hitter games on gpu.

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i'd downsize any 4k textures (if you have any) to 2k with maybe 1k normals. i've been able to lower some grass and tree settings and get better visuals at the same time using grass on steroids and better vanilla trees. bogging down your computer doesn't necessarily equate to better graphics, and there are some pretty nifty tricks out there.


edit: if you decide to try the texture thing, there's a program called 'optimizer textures' on the nexus that's pretty amazing.

Edited by ymf331
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will check but most textures i have are 2k for inside interiur and outside is already 1k.

it feels it have to do somthing with the enb files because if i turn of some i get more fps but also more stutter.


but thnx for the help.

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