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[LE] Custom Merchant Selling potions

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So in my mod that i cant post here i have achieved all but this. My follower/merchant will not sell potions or atleast my potions it also wont use the gold from the container that i put in its faction that is checked as vendor and on a time scale 0-24 . Ive put the potion in a lvleditem list and put it individually in the container it wont work so ive came to the conclusion to add it through script. My problem is how do i do this. Is it followername.additem (saiditem, 1) or is there another step to make it appear items the vendor has for sale? An example would be most helpful.
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Just checking here, is the merchant in the same cell as the container? (I remember that being a thing in the past, if you made a merchant walk out of the cell with the container, it could no longer access it's wares.)


Or are you loading the container via a script somehow whenever you talk to the merchant?

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Ive tried loading the container through script that was a failure. And what i have done is ive made the merchant sell anywhere but to start it dont sell the containers items to begin with so ive has to make a leveled list directly and attach it via script but by doing so the merchant acts like a trash can when selling items to them. The items i wish to be sold by merchant works though.
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I don't whether its a missprint but 0-24 wont might give you problems because there aren't 25 hours in a day, needs to be 0-23.


However, you shouldnt need any scripting - if you have made a new potion have you added the VendorItemPotion keyword to it and in the Faction have you set the buy/sell list to VendorItemsApothecary?

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I don't whether its a missprint but 0-24 wont might give you problems because there aren't 25 hours in a day, needs to be 0-23.


However, you shouldnt need any scripting - if you have made a new potion have you added the VendorItemPotion keyword to it and in the Faction have you set the buy/sell list to VendorItemsApothecary?

the Potion is in the vendoritempotion list. and I created a custom formlist that includes all of the vendor types. But i tried narrowing down to just potion selling but that didnt work. The followers inventory was still empty. Imma try to make a whole new npc for the portable home only and see if that changes the outcome any. As far as portable merchant goes thats a bust until further notice. I look at Instant Merchant mod and wonder how the heck he managed it. It appears he knew something i didnt. Ive managed all but the merchant. I just dont understand what im doing wrong. Its okay, trial and error.

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Are you saying that your NPC will not sell any potions? Or just won't sell the custom potions you've created but it will sell vanilla potions?


If your potions are in a leveled list, when you test the potion it may not be showing up on the merchant because you don't meet the leveled list criteria during testing. Frequently leveled list don't show items 100% of the time.


Also, when testing, best not to test using a previous game save. Are you testing using the console and coc using the default player to enter the cell?


Do you have both the apothecary and merchant factions listed in your NPC Faction Tab?


Do you have the correct voice type for apothecary vendor?


Do you have the correct vendor/buy sell list in the custom Vendor Faction you created for this NPC? The form list is based off of keywords not individual items.


Do your custom potions have the correct keywords?


Try removing the follower items. I'm not certain a merchant/follower NPC is compatible.

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Im using femaleeventoned voice type no to apothecary in jobfactions yes to jobmerchantfaction and the item is added individually to negate the leveled list. He wont sell anything not just potions. Also he dont buy it, he just takes the item whether he has the gold or not. Your not paid for it.
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Im using femaleeventoned voice type no to apothecary in jobfactions yes to jobmerchantfaction and the item is added individually to negate the leveled list. He wont sell anything not just potions. Also he dont buy it, he just takes the item whether he has the gold or not. Your not paid for it.

If you will follow this tutorial, it should get you with the correct steps. I don't believe you can be a follower and a merchant but if you want the merchant, set it up correctly, making sure it works, then try adding the follower elements to see if it will work.



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