freeSocksForAll Posted May 26, 2017 Share Posted May 26, 2017 so, at the end of undeath's black book quest, every time i used the book at the end, i was simply teleported back to the same spot, left immobile for maybe thirty seconds, and then able to run around the arena area and interact with the book freely, resulting in the process above being repeated. i got tired of this, so i used the 'coc' command to get myself to whiterun. i went and walked around, quicksaved so i wouldnt be sent back to apocrypha if my game crashed or something. the courier walked up to me and gave me the broker's letter, and i attempted to fast travel to get closer, but found i could not. additionally, i could not wait or sleep (i walked into breezhome to test, which overwrote the last autosave i had in apocrypha, stupidly enough) due to 'taking health damage.' i was taking no damage, so i went back to apocrypha and took damage intentionally from the liquid, and from standing in the darkness with no light, and then getting out of that and using the book in my inventory to return. i thought it might be the former, as my character glowed green whenever i entered the water, but neither of those attempts worked. i tried dispelallspells, nothing. it may have something to do with my computer being relatively cheap, because no active effects were removed. sorry if this is a bit verbose, but i have no idea whats causing this. im using a two year old toshiba satellite c55-b, with an intel pentium cpu (2.16 ghz), with a 4 gb hard drive and no modifications. i have all of the dlc, and all mods are up to date. this is my current load order, copied and pasted directly from NMM: Skyrim.esm=1Update.esm=1Dragonborn.esm=1HearthFires.esm=1Dawnguard.esm=1Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm=1EFFCore.esm=1Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp=1notice board.esp=1RaceCompatibility.esm=1Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp=1SkyUI.esp=1Immersive Patrols II.esp=1Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp=1Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp=1VicnCreaturePack.esp=1SimplyKnock.esp=1Run For Your Lives.esp=1Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp=1Auto Unequip Ammo.esp=1The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp=1UnreadBooksGlow.esp=1When Vampires Attack.esp=1NonEssentialChildren.esp=1Brawl Bugs CE.esp=1Headtracking.esp=1VanillaReducedTextures.esp=1performance decal.esp=1performance rocks.esp=1performance tree.esp=1skyrim performance animation.esp=1skyrim performance underwater grass.esp=1Dr_Bandolier.esp=1FCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul.esp=1Immersive Weapons.esp=1RaceMenu.esp=1RaceMenuPlugin.esp=1EFFDialogue.esp=1UIExtensions.esp=1Shadow Remover.esp=1Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp=1Ghosu - Project Flintlock - Ammo Addon.esp=1Faction Crossbows.esp=1NetchLeather.esp=1TTLeatherMashup.esp=1Pauldrons.esp=1vSS_SuperStash.esp=1Blowing in the Wind.esp=1DawnguardArsenal.esp=1JaxonzNameGen.esp=1CreatureSizeVariants.esp=1DIVERSITY.esp=1Civil War Cleanup.esp=1pickpocketable childrens.esp=1Sneak Tools.esp=1PermanentLegendaryBonus.esp=1TanningSmeltingExp.esp=1SmartNoMoreStupidDog.esp=1bonemoldweapons.esp=1MorrowindImports.esp=1Item Recycling.esp=1Natalie - Healer Follower.esp=1ZazimelDrow.esp=1Drowcompanions.esp=1Brows.esp=1VioLens.esp=1hornsareforever.esp=1The Male Organs of Sentient Races - Replacer.esp=1WetandCold.esp=1WetandCold - Ashes.esp=1Crossbows_Basic_Collection_EN_LL.esp=1Bolts For Weapon Vendors.esp=1PrvtIRings.esp=1Blue Telvanni Mage Robes.esp=1Dunmerized Grey Quarter.esp=1Purchasable Items for Dragonborn.esp=1MarshArmor.esp=1zz_GD_DB_RAHoods.esp=1ArgonianMercArmor.esp=1mjhCulturalDiversity - Argonian Armor.esp=1mjhCulturalDiversity - Argonian Dock Workers.esp=1mjhCulturalDiversity - Dunmer Clothes and Armor.esp=1mjhCulturalDiversity - Jenassa.esp=1mjhCulturalDiversity - Aranea Ienith.esp=1MorrowindArmor.esp=1DunmerThief.esp=1Schlongs of Skyrim - Light.esp=1mihailsewerrat.esp=1NetchLeather_Retexture1.esp=1Bastards.esp=1vMYC_MeetYourCharacters.esp=1Legendary Skyrim Crossbows.esp=1chfshPlayerVoicesets.esp=1FNIS.esp=1FNIS_PCEA2.esp=1Spouse Daily Routine.esp=1Sinking Bodies.esp=1XPMSE.esp=1SOSRaceMenu.esp=1Playable Flame Atronach.esp=1GR123 Knights Templar.esp=1Unique Uniques.esp=1attack commitment movement speed fluid 3.esp=1Worlds Dawn.esp=1KhajiitChildren.esp=1My_Little_hatchling.esp=1My_Little_kitty.esp=1FaceMasksOfSkyrim.esp=1FaceMasksforNPC.esp=1Undeath.esp=1Tinvaak-Talking with Dragons.esp=1OBIS.esp=1OBIS DG Faction Patch.esp=1Bandit Patrols.esp=1wizDynamicThings.esp=1imp_helm_legend.esp=1PrvtIRoyalArmory.esp=1Thief skills rebalance for Ordinator.esp=1Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp=1Dunmer of Skyrim.esp=1WindhelmFR.esp=1BonemoldExpanded.esp=1Craftable Morag Tong Armor.esp=13DNPC.esp=1Cloaks.esp=1Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp=1New Playable Races by Budcat v4.0.esp=1LeftHandRings.esp=1LeftHandRings - Dawnguard.esp=1Brigandage.esp=1Cleric Armours - Credo.esp=1DreamBurrowsRegalAssassin.esp=1mjhCulturalDiversity - Khajiit Clothes.esp=1DPArmor.esp=1Duelist-Longcoat.esp=1Guards armor replacement.esp=1dfnkt-IronArmorSleeves-Craftable.esp=1Northman Armours - Credo.esp=1Omegared99-GalleryOfArmor.esp=1Plate Armours - Credo.esp=1ResplendentArmor.esp=1Wandererarmor.esp=1El_WayfarersCoat.esp=1DreamBurrowsRegalHuntsmanArmor.esp=1mjhCulturalDiversity - Khajiit Armors.esp=1HunterArcherCuirass.esp=1plaguedocot outfit.esp=1dredtent.esp=1RevampedExteriorFog.esp=1Supreme Fog.esp=1Fantasy Soundtrack Project.esp=101ERA.esp=1Rough Leather Armor.esp=1RogueArmor.esp=1InquisitorGear.esp=1Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp=1TouringCarriages.esp=1Luddemann.esp=1LPBards.esp=1DialogueTweaks.esp=1Unconscious.esp=1HOPv - Horses On Patrol - Vanilla.esp=1dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp=1dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp=1dD-Reduced Splatter Size.esp=1dD-Reduced Wound Size.esp=1DarkSkyrim.esp=1Immersive Speechcraft.esp=1HothFollower.esp=1HothFollower UFO Patch.esp=1AOS.esp=1AOS2_EBT Patch.esp=1AOS2_WetandCold Patch.esp=1AOS2_GDO Patch.esp=1AOS2_Unique Uniques Patch.esp=1GuildStarter.esp=1Illustrious HDT Cloaks.esp=1KS Hairdos - HDT.esp=1Spellsword.esp=1SpellswordDawnguardDragonborn.esp=1Elemental Destruction.esp=1Cutting Room Floor.esp=1gun.esp=1TwoRapiers.esp=1Ghosu - Weapon Pack 1.esp=1Inconsequential NPCs.esp=1Inconsequential NPCs - CRF Compatibility Patch.esp=1PrinceandPauper.esp=0Kidmer - Adoptable Elf Children 1_2.esp=1Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp=1Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp=1ImmersiveArmorsNPCs.esp=1Ghosu - Project Flintlock.esp=1Inigo.esp=1Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp=1JaxonzRenamer.esp=1Open Cities Skyrim.esp=1Sleep Anywhere.esp=1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ymf331 Posted May 26, 2017 Share Posted May 26, 2017 really the only way to see if you have a plugin overwriting undeath and causing the problems, unless someone already experienced this, would be to check it out in tesvedit. if you load all your plugins, you can right-click in the left pane where your plugins are listed. click "apply filter" from the drop-down menu and when the dialogue comes up uncheck (if i remember right) the first and fourth boxes in the upper-left and proceed. when the program finishes applying the filter you can look through the records under the undeath plugin (only conflicts will be listed) to get a clue if maybe you need to fix your load order and how. or otherwise there might be a compatibility patch somewhere or in the worst case you can always make one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
freeSocksForAll Posted May 26, 2017 Author Share Posted May 26, 2017 i looked into it further and its just an advanced version of the apocrypha health bug. something to deal with i guess Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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