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Hair not showing proper shadow


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this is a hair from this mod


one of the hair styles is bugged but the author hasn't updated the mod in ages, so i thought i'd try to fix it myself but i've never tried making hair mods before so i don't know what i'm doing with it, i tried fiddling with it on NifSkope to see if anything looked out of order but no luck


here's a picture of the bug



you can see on the left side that i'm standing under shade but the hair is still behaving as if i'm standing under sun light like on the right

Edited by ghostrecon123
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it's not the texture, i checked both diffuse texture and normal maps, both look fine, i even made a new normal texture to see if that would do anything.


i think it's the mesh, i checked the .nif file but i'm not seeing anything weird with it, then again, i don't understand half the stuff written in there.


but it's probably something to do the lighting/shader properties but i when checked, both receive_shadows and cast_shadows are ON in the shader flags 1 section.

Edited by ghostrecon123
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