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is it got to do something with the problem to log in to nexsus mod manager?

i cant log in to NMM few days now(i even format my c: and reinstall my win7 fresh new,but still cant log in).

any 1 got the same maybe ?


fixed (didnt know that -to login NMM you need to make sure that the windows date and time need to be correct..3 days it toke me to find it ..bhaa)


all cool now tnx :)

Edited by biovespa
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Woodworms make tables corrupt,lol.


Solid Minecraft reference.


Good job handling the problem Dark0ne.




Here is the best math joke ever, told by an EE professor I had one semester:


Noah's Ark finally comes to rest as the waters recede, and he sends the animals out, telling them to them, "go forth and multiply".


All but 2 snakes do as he commands. Noah looks at them, and shouts "go forth and multiply!"


The snakes look at him but do not move. He tries again, "Go forth and multiply!" Still nothing.


Noah gets angry and in his most Biblical voice shouts, "Go forth and multiply!"


The snakes look up at him and say, "We cannot multiply, for we are adders".


Noah thinks for a while, then grabs his saw and hammer and runs off into the forest (which has grown back, you see) where he cuts down a tree. He saws and hammers and builds a small table. He picks up the snakes and puts them on the table.


"Go forth and multiply!" he commands.


The snakes look at each other, and then at Noah. "We cannot multiply. We are adders".


"I have built you a log table. Now you can multiply."

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