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CTD Issue - God... No..


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The nightmare, bane of my Skyrim gameplay -- the one you call CTD is BACK.


I had been playing Skyrim for months without a huge problem except at the start when I was arranging mods for the first time. It was first time for me to mod a game so I spent nearly three weeks for modding, but in the end I managed to get the game to run smoothly with 180 mods.


I left Skyrim, and my desktop PC off the cord for five months because of personal reasons. And just when I came back to Skyrim, it crashes to desktop after loading screen. It does not crash immediately when I click load button, but crashes a few seconds after showing game tips.


I have not touched anything related to Skyrim during five months. Actually, I didn't do anything to my PC during that time. Except for Windons 10 update few days ago, I literally touched nothing. I checked the scanning log(history) of my vaccine program and confirmed it did not mess with my Skyrim folder. Seriously, I have no idea what's causing CTD.





Here are the steps until now that I took to solve this damnable CTD :

1. The system told me two of the .esp files are missing, so I reinstalled them via NMM. This was the reason I suspected my vaccine program deleting game files.. but found no suspicious activity in history.

-> The system message no longer appears. Hooray! But still crashes.


2. Neither loading the saves and starting a new game worked, so I reinstall Alternate Start-Live Another Life mod.

->The new game works like a charm. The system at the upper left also show other mods are starting up at the beginning. But still, it crashes when I load the saves.


3. I have no doubt it is mod oriented CTD.. and really wanna cry at the prospect of reinstalling all those mods. Is this the only solution? Won't it result in inconsistency with old saves and leave them lost forever? God, no...

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a few things that can solve a lot of crashing problems are clearinvalidregistrations=1 in skse.ini, preloaded and properly configured crash fixes, and enboost. if you don't already have that set up. if it's a mod conflict then even playing for weeks on end without a crash doesn't mean much until you come across whatever it is.

Edited by ymf331
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Thank you for your reply.. but I think I am gonna give up my save files which are the manifestation of 400 hours of gameplay(I feel like nirvana is almost in my hand LOL). Finding out the cause and trying to solve this god forsaken CTD is such an arduous task which does not even guarantee success.


I will start from scratch after reinstalling Skyrim. Modding won't take too long as I already have experience, and I might sort out outdated mods to latest ones with better compatibility this time.


That said, could I ask for a modding advice regarding the order? Last time I modded was more than a year ago, so it would greatly help to review the basic guidelines.

From what I barely remember :

1. Cores


- Unofficial Skyrim Legendary E. Patch

- SkyUI


2. Environment Overhaul

- mesh, texture, lighting


3. Immersions

- Immersive series

- Climates of Tamriel

- Campfire

- Wet and Cold



4. Character Customization

- XP32 Skeleton

- FNIS and animation

- Body slide

- Face, skin, hair overhaul


5. In-game System Customization

- Complete Crafting Overhaul(CCO)

- Harvest tweaks

- weapon tweaks

- lockpick

- Vampire and Werewolf

- Follower management

- Horse riding

- Perkus Maximus(my favorite..won't miss this one)



6. Additional Armour and Weapons

-> Perma patch


7. Other minor tweaks & final bashed patch creation



I would appreciate your help!


p.s Should I try MO out instead of NMM? I heard it's better than NMM in many ways.

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i use mo and i like it a lot. if your spirit is willing, the best thing i can recommend is learning how to use tes5edit to look at conflicting records. bad scripts will usually be called out pretty quickly and stuff like that, but almost nobody is going to have the exact same load order as you. a lot of patches won't be specifically what you would've preferred in any given situation.


also, i won't play without perma/wafr/cco/caco either, and 3/4 of them are a huge pain to get right with other mods. patches, load order, everything about them. loot's great and all, but it won't =really= determine the proper order of mods. in the case of those i just mentioned, it will put them in the wrong order and your game will crash. the only way to really know is if you look at what they do.


edit: for the ones you listed, meshes and textures don't matter. for an example of most of those mods you listed, my load order in the link in my sig is hand-done by the records and i never opened loot.

Edited by ymf331
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