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Great IW, you just messed up AGAIN


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So, IW has apperantly decided that those who are 10th prestige or have the goal to BECOME 10th prestige are stupid. So they are adding 5 or 10 new prestiges to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.


This has taken effect for PC already, but not for console. Robert Bowling said that "console players should expect the same soon!" It's already terrible enough that there are 80 levels and 10 prestiges, but to add 10 more?


I'm personally am just 4th going into 5th in a few days, and I've played since the game came out. Those who are 10th Prestige usually ended up boosting, or are just REALLY good at the game. I can get around 5 MOABs a day, but I'm not 10th. I'll NEVER hit 20th, that's not happening.


They have converted the GREAT MW3 MP to the worst COD MP I've ever played. Blops MP was very discouraging to me, but it has become better than MW3.


I certainly hope that IW realizes that they NEED to STOP. There's just to much in the game now. :(


Any thoughts on this?

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When people want the max level, say those who are 10th prestige now, more levels being released ruins it for them, because they probably don't want to go throught the 80 levels again. They probably managed to get a lot, like some people have gold for every gun, and they like to be the max level too, just to show that they're a great player. But another prestige it released, they aren't the max level anymore. They have to prestige 10 more times for max level again. Usually, it resolves in a decreased community.
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What's wrong with having more prestige's?

Pissing contest, then exclusion of people who "don't measure up" from clans, squads, or whatever. This eventually leads people exploiting the system for easy rank-ups (closed games where friends just farm eachother for hours) so they can boast about being one of the "elite".


And since this is COD we're talking about... The most twitchy prevail.

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So bragging rights and now you have to work harder for those bragging rights.


Doesn't matter to me. Even if I could play CoD online, I don't care for prestiging. No one has listed any sort of imbalancing of gameplay due to the increased number of prestiges. Only an imbalance in bragging rights.


What good is being a 10th prestige when my 0 prestige self annihilates your face off? I play to kill, not for bragging rights. :armscrossed:



That is my opinion. To each their own.

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So bragging rights and now you have to work harder for those bragging rights.


Doesn't matter to me. Even if I could play CoD online, I don't care for prestiging. No one has listed any sort of imbalancing of gameplay due to the increased number of prestiges. Only an imbalance in bragging rights.


What good is being a 10th prestige when my 0 prestige self annihilates your face off? I play to kill, not for bragging rights. :armscrossed:



That is my opinion. To each their own.


^ This, not that i play CoD. seems to just be something ppl will cry about cause they are no longer at the 1337. this is CoD we are talking about. tons of players will play until they get 20th prestige, cause A) they want that 1337 title and B) they know no other game. many ppl were going to play the amount of time it woulda taken to get to lvl 20 anyways, now they have something to do along the way.

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