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Help request: my playthroughs keep rendering themselves umplayable


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This is long and meandering, so I'll summarize as best as I can:


Started a new play through (let's call it 2), and got about 85% through the game, and crashing issues start up around Windhelm spontaneously (and the crash-zones spread to the point that I couldn't past travel to almost any part of that Hold). This rendered 2 basically unusable, despite the rest of the game working without a hitch. These crashing issues also would apply retro-actively, occurring in earlier saves that worked fine before. An uninstall and reinstall did nothing.


Started an experimental play through (called 3), to see if this was mod-dependent. Windhelm was working just fine, despite the same load-order (demonstrating that this is probably not a mod-issue in of itself). Things went pretty smoothly for like, 50 hours. Then just yesterday, the game started CTDing whenever I saved, whether it was a manual save or entering a door (this also applies retroactively to previous saves). Uninstall and reinstall did nothing. Now 3 is effectively unplayable.


Started another-nother new game (called 4), to see if the save-crashing carried over to a new game (and it didn't, 4 saves just fine).


Like seriously, I don't have a problem with just starting a new game, but if my play throughs keep glitching out and rendering themselves unplayable, then what is even the point?


Any feedback would be helpful.

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if you use a lot of mods i'd say it's absolutely necessary to learn manual conflict resolution. some variation of this same post pops up multiple times every day. even if someone sees a load order problem or specific patch that's missing, chances are that some problem will occur down the road (maybe 50 hours later). i've been downloading mods for the past 3 days (and probably will be for another couple), but once i get to the end of it all i was going to try and make a guide i can put in my sig with screenshots of specific examples as i fix them.


this is a long and tedious process, but i really feel like it's worth it if you're playing for 50 hours and have to start a new game. for now, there's a video on the relationship dialog overhaul page towards the bottom, and another at the end of the skyrim revisited: legendary edition guide. here's another one from the step wiki that provides a couple more examples. i wish i could be more help but for now, good luck and godspeed.

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