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NMM y u do dis


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so i uninstalled skyrim se and installed oldrim then rescanned my games and ticked skyrim clicked 'stop searching'. Then clicked ok and then got the error 'unrecognized game mode, Nexus mod manager is not set up to work with Skyrim special edition If skyrim special edition is installed, rescan for installed games from the change game toolbar item' i click ok on the box and then it closes and doesn't let me change my game to skyrim. So then i reinstalled skyrim se where it was that didn't fix it, i then uninstalled nmm and reinstalled it that didn't fix it, i then uninstalled it again and rebooted my pc then installed it again that still didn't fix it and if this can't be fixed, can someone give me an alternative to nmm that's not steam it self please? using nmm version 0.63.14 also i tried rebooting with it installed that didn't work and running as admin also didn't work

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It might not be NMM.

Did you install any A/Vs recently?

Are your .NETframeworks up-to-date?

Have you recently installed any 3rd party software that can affect directories when you use it (e.g. CCleaner)?

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