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Game looks pixelated, even with HD and 2k Texture mods


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So, I installed the game, got all DLC's, installed a bunch of mods, everything seemed fine. The game looks incredible, except for one thing.


The goddamn textures!!!


I tried everything. Pushed up the anti-aliasing, got rid of the godrays and even played around with a few settings in the Fallout4(Prefs).ini files... kinda pissed of to see all youtube videos of people, having those ULTRA SHARP textures, with the same mods as I use, but I just can't get it to work. Any ideas?


Here's a screenshot of a car, eventhough I installed HD-Retexture mods.




Current graphics- and overhaul mods I use(not in load order, just so you know)


- Vivid Fallout - Roads and Bridges/Landscapes

- GraFix Texture Overhaul 3a

- Enhanced Lights and FX


ENB Preset


- Olympus ENB

Edited by Memi5991
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Make sure your video driver is up to date. If it is and you are having this issue, try rolling back to the previous version to see if it helps. I have a 1070 and there has been at least one Nvidia update that really caused me some greif with FO4. I rolled back to the previous version until the next update came out and that seemed to iron out the issues with the update I tried.


Once you look at the driver situation, start tinkering with the settings in your Nvidia control panel. Letting it auto-optimize the game for you can be hit or miss. Play with the manual settings...there lots of them...and see any making any tweaks there help.


EDIT: If all else fails, try disabling all your texture mods and ENB. Try enabling the texture mods one at a time without the ENB. No idea if you will find anything, but basic troubleshooting by picking apart individual pieces of the puzzle can sometimes help...even if it is a bit tedious.

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Make sure your video driver is up to date. If it is and you are having this issue, try rolling back to the previous version to see if it helps. I have a 1070 and there has been at least one Nvidia update that really caused me some greif with FO4. I rolled back to the previous version until the next update came out and that seemed to iron out the issues with the update I tried.


Once you look at the driver situation, start tinkering with the settings in your Nvidia control panel. Letting it auto-optimize the game for you can be hit or miss. Play with the manual settings...there lots of them...and see any making any tweaks there help.


EDIT: If all else fails, try disabling all your texture mods and ENB. Try enabling the texture mods one at a time without the ENB. No idea if you will find anything, but basic troubleshooting by picking apart individual pieces of the puzzle can sometimes help...even if it is a bit tedious.


Ok! These are great tips! I will do as told! Thank you!


Did the Mod thingy already, didn't seem to help.

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  • 1 year later...

I gave vivid textures a try, didn't like the low res textures. So went with True Grass. It's not a problem with your graphics, it's the resolution of Vivid's texture maps you have installed, not very good.


Oh, and for the cars, and well, pertty much everything else, texture-wise, use FlaconOil's Retexture Project. It's amazing.

Edited by V1K1N9
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