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Is there a mod for Character Light?


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Especially with black outfits, shadow details is often crushed to pitch black even right in the middle of a sunny day. This is a problem with how the game handle character lighting differently from environment lighting, and they remedy it with character light. Now, CL is fine and all until it comes night time (especially with darker night) it looks horrible as if all characters are "pasted in" the scene.

My dilemma:

- I can raise shadow details in ENB, but if I raise to an acceptable level for character shadow, the entire scene looks so washed out. (via CC: Black out)
- I can raise Ambient light in ENB but shadow too looks so bright.

- CL is the only remedy for the above problem: Fill light to make character shadow details but does not touch environment shadow.

- Same CL setting at night looks HORRIBLE.

Looking for solution:

- Is there existing ENB function (.fx file) or tricks that deal strictly with Character Light? Or giving us different setting based on time of day? I can use CL fill .05 at day time, and CL OFF or CL fill .0001 at night.
- Is there a mod in game that can change how CL behaves?

- Is there a mod that lets us automatically run certain console command based on time of day? So again I can set CL level according to time of day.

I can't live without CL, and I can't live with CL as it stands. Thanks in advance!

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