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Modding Woes


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i have had this issue for over 3 weeks and i cannot solve it at all..

i am using CLASSIC skyrim

when i am in LAL's cell i can screw around for hours creating a character without a single issue..they start as soon as i pick a start get loaded into the world 2mins later i get a complete CTD no warning as to when it will happen i have:

crash fixes,

skse fix


all set up correctly


i have read and reread read mes until i am squinting at the words and forgetting what they mean(i stop at that point),i have activated mods in groups, loaded them in TESVEDIT (to hopefully find a conflict and no luck) and read any and all messages in loot and i cannot find the cause of the crash since the game ONLY crashes when they are all loaded together...and its driving me crazy! and making me consider scrapping skyrim for good


had this particular load order for almost ever(give or take a small mod like fossil mining and the issue existed before adding that)




is anyone able to see what i have missed?



Anything else of note:

I Use MO

i DO have an "odd" issue with LOOT each time i load it it always fails the master list update and i have to manually download it...




EDIT: spelling fix and some minor additional info


EDIT 3/june/17 00:00 : I "may" have found what was crashing my game when i installed SKSE to skyrim folder a rogue .pex file was included i only noticed it this time since SKYUI alerted me to its presence along with the message that it(the rogue file) would over write skyUI's file... maybe i should forgo drinking whiskey and modding in future.....

Edited by Gygax82
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Did you rebuild your bashed patch? That's my best guess as I don't recognize all of the mods. Also, unless those other two mods have special instructions that say otherwise - the load order for the Unofficial Patch should be as follows:


Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
[Your other ESM files]
Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp
[The rest of your mods]

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Did you rebuild your bashed patch? That's my best guess as I don't recognize all of the mods. Also, unless those other two mods have special instructions that say otherwise - the load order for the Unofficial Patch should be as follows:







Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp

[Your other ESM files]




Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp

[The rest of your mods]

yeah one of the first things i did was rebuild after i removed a mod i felt might be the casue!

arrgh i keep moving them but they always end up back there....i may have to do "purge" of skyrim,MO,tools and loot run Ccleaner reg clean option and start from the very beginning again..

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