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Inventory Mod


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I'm sure this has been posted before and if the answer was obvious - my apologies.


I am looking for an Inventory mod similar to SKYUI from the original version. I thought none were accessible or the mods I had hoped had inventory modification didn't seem to.


By chance while running through septim - I saw this mod shows screenshots with what I'm after - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/731/?, but obviously the mod is not focusing on that.

Can someone advise where to get this?


Thanks for reading

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The pictures on that mod page are from the original Skyrim, not the Special Edition. That is why they have SkyUI. If you want to try and get an older version of SkyUI to work with the Special Edition though, version 2.2 to be specific. I believe you just need to install it like normal (you'll find it somewhere in the downloads tab for SkyUI). Though there might be tweaks that need to be done to remove SkyUI error warnings, I suggest using Google to figure out what to do.


For future reference, the Skyrim Special Edition has its own Nexus forum.


Skyrim Special Edition Nexus Forum:


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