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i look for mods: useful items


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In skyrim are many items which has no functionality or only one

thats why i look for some mods to make these items useful in anyway (more then before)


example mod:

"iNeed" - this mod makes the food relevant

or some mod gears needs some items like paper to craft them


which items i mean example:

dishes, rotted books, paper, glas, the tools for rituals, ...


Sorry for my bad english skills i hope you know what i mean

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complete crafting overhaul makes some recipes require additional things, and makes some junk more useful. charcoal and glass are used for making ingots. i think some of the cloaks, if you use cloaks of skyrim with it use linen as well. if you like campfire/frostfall those books can be used for fires. hunterborn and scrimshaw expanded makes animal parts much more useful. i just found another mod called clothingcraft that looks neat if you want to craft some clothing for some reason. oh also complete alchemy and cooking overhaul has options that make the alchemy junk more useful. i use perma, and it even has a couple perk trees that focus heavily on using junk for things.


i use all those, and junk feels a lot more useful. also, i have a lot more junk to collect because they add some too.

Edited by ymf331
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