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What wrong with my PC? REEALLY LOW FPS >.<


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Hey everyone,

just got a brand spanking new GPU and it should handle even ultra modded Skyrim at like 60 fps I would think..

I am also getting a new Monitor now because besides the monitor the only thing I have left to upgrade to higher performance might be my Hard Drive but I have like pretty above average specs now, so I feel like I should have much higher FPS and less frame jumps (I mean I haven't tested it but its getting down to like 5 or 10 FPS after only like 12 minutes of game play). Only loading like 30 mods right now, and when I load up it starts running at like probably 60 FPS and slowly drops down over time to being inoperable. Note I know this sounds like over heating but i got great fans and s*** PLUS my temp monitors don't show the temps even getting over 32 degrees celcius! Cooler-master and s*** you know? lol


Ok Enough chat here are my specs;


Mother Board:

MSI 970 GAMING DDR3 2133 ATX AMD Motherboard


Graphics Card:

MSI Gaming GeForce GTX 1080 8GB GDDR5X SLI DirectX 12 (This beast hardly fits in my tower btw lol)



AMD FX-8350 Black Edition Vishera 8-Core 4.0 GHz Processor



CORSAIR Vengeance Pro 16GB (2 x 8GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 2400 (PC3 19200) Desktop Memory Model CMY16GX3M2A2400C11R


Hard Drive:

Seagate Hybrid Drive ST2000DX001 2TB MLC/8GB 64MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s NCQ 3.5" Desktop SSHD


Using MOD Organizer v1.3.11





-HDT Physics Extensions

-XP32 Max sceleton Extended

-Realistic Ragdolls

-Bodyslide & Outfit studio


-Better Females by Belle


-DIMONIZED UNP female body

-NetImmerse Override

-Dream Girl

-Unofficial ELFX SMIM ENB fps performance patch

-Enhanced Lights and FX



-Vivid weathers

-UFO Ultimate Follower overhaul

-Convenient Horses

The list goes on but those are the majority of the big ones I think


All running on Windows 7 64 bit OS btw. Um ya lemmi know if there is anything else I can say that will help figure this out I'm spending a fortune now just trying to get my baby back in shape. Thanks for reading and your help it's truly appreciated!

Edited by FunFanPlaya
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i haven't upgraded my hardware in quite a while, but i think that you shouldn't go overboard like 4k ring textures and such. i've spent... a ridiculous amount of time optimizing things with a favorable cost/benefit ratio in mind, and i don't think that just goes out the window when you have a good rig.


that said, your problem might not be hardware, but an installation oversight or a specific thing that's sucking your vram dry. let's see some actual -useful- information, like what you even have installed.

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i haven't upgraded my hardware in quite a while, but i think that you shouldn't go overboard like 4k ring textures and such. i've spent... a ridiculous amount of time optimizing things with a favorable cost/benefit ratio in mind, and i don't think that just goes out the window when you have a good rig.


that said, your problem might not be hardware, but an installation oversight or a specific thing that's sucking your vram dry. let's see some actual -useful- information, like what you even have installed.

Just realized... I have Mod organizer installed in my E: Drive a 500 Gb HDD & My boot disk C: is a SSHD)


Also, IDK how to use the BOSS program yet. I'll try figuring it out tomorrow tho

Edited by FunFanPlaya
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you don't need unp, cbbe, or dream girl and depending on the order they're in you might be overwriting your better females textures. bodyslide comes with all of them.


honestly, if you're having troubles so far with just that stuff, it might be a good idea to slow down a bit and get everything set up properly as a bedrock to build up with mods. this guide has some broken links at the moment, but up to the actual mods part it's the best i've seen in terms of setting up a good foundation. this guide is really good for making sure all the game settings will work. this one should be a good start for setting up your enb. another thing you might look into is making sure all your nvidia settings are right. none of the mods should be the problem at this point unless you have a bunch of ridiculous textures you didn't mention.


i'd personally keep the mods on the hdd due to the excessive read-writes involved in modding, but then again it's debatable and i've not spent any serious time looking into the effects.

Edited by ymf331
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Ok this is really lame. i Installed LOOT and I think I used it correctly, BUT to get my Monitor Resolution fixed I loaded the Skyrim Launcher onced with Mod organizer and it "optimized" to fix the resolution. But now, when I change to open skyrim with SKSE to use my mods, Like non of them load Like at all!!.. This is annoying as fuuq. But I will say this when I got rid of unp, cbbe, and dream girl it did pick up the FPS considerably and runs for much longer as well before getting buggy with the frames. Can anyone else relate?

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