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Do these still exist?


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I am looking for a couple of mods that I saw when FO4 first came out, but I now can't find.

First one: a drop location for gear (armor and guns) where settlers can arm themselves from. So instead of scrapping or selling all the good stuff once you're geared up, you drop it in this steamer trunk for your settlers to grab.

Second is a script, not a mod: you can execute a command through the console and it clears all the clutter and scrap-able items from the current settlement, placing it into the workbench. I think it was called "Clean Slate" or something like that.


I've spent a good couple of hours looking for these and can't find them again, or anything else like them, but I am wondering if I'm just looking in the wrong areas. Does anyone have an idea about these, or can link them for me?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Second you could just use spring cleaning. Lets you scrap the majority of things in the settlement. One by one as you see fit. Grass, debris, some houses. I use it in every play through. Havent heard of that first mod either.

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Scrap Everything is technically better than Spring Cleaning and is still supported whereas Spring Cleaning has been abandoned for a year and a half. Using the console command scrapall can be dangerous and I don't recommend it. Definitely don't use it in places like the Castle or Sanctuary.

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