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main story....as the mythic dawn!


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i want mythic dawn NOW


i don't mean the guild you can get in after you get to beat the main quest, i mean starting the game on the mythic dawn's side, and assassinating the emperor. you would also have to protect oblivion gates, kill jaufree and barus, and lastly.....the person who would be you.....(according to the normal story)......and take the amulet of kings and all that stuff..... :thumbsup:






do you like it?



i will give you a cookie if you make it.


if you want that cookie.... you better get to work! :thumbsup:

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This would be easy to do, wouldn't be anything more than erase all the actual game and make it again from scratch :)


In fact would not be a TC, would be more like a TI (Total Inversion)

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Presumably you could make it as an expansion of an alternative start mod, with the permission of the author, so, if you choose certain options when you create your character, this path becomes open to you. I know in one of them there's like an immigration form, and then if you get caught doing bad things in the IC you start the MQ as normal- and sooo, that's where we'd alter. Sadly, I'm busy at the mo, but someone else might have a go...

By the way, try modding yourself, and don't say things like "if you want that cookie you better get to work" it'll put people off, and make them dislike you.

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Presumably you could make it as an expansion of an alternative start mod, with the permission of the author, so, if you choose certain options when you create your character, this path becomes open to you. I know in one of them there's like an immigration form, and then if you get caught doing bad things in the IC you start the MQ as normal- and sooo, that's where we'd alter. Sadly, I'm busy at the mo, but someone else might have a go...

By the way, try modding yourself, and don't say things like "if you want that cookie you better get to work" it'll put people off, and make them dislike you.

what you dont like cookies?

i do.

i love cookies.

and i dont get modding very well....i know how to add in items and make buildings...

but i cant do scripting or modeling....mostly modeling...

tutorials are mean to my brain. :wallbash: <(me when trying to make meshes)

.....now i want a cookie....i like cookies.

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what you dont like cookies?

i do.

i love cookies.

and i dont get modding very well....i know how to add in items and make buildings...

but i cant do scripting or modeling....mostly modeling...

tutorials are mean to my brain. :wallbash: <(me when trying to make meshes)

.....now i want a cookie....i like cookies.


So we'll give you a cookie if you work hard and make the mod.

But if you want that cookie... you better get to work... very hard


I believe you don't mean it, but you sound every time as the idea is simple, the work easy and the modders cheap.

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No hard feelings fuzzy181, but this is really hard doing what you want. Look, the very concept of the game should be changed.


For obvious reasons the Emperor (assuming the starting was the same) couldn't have the amulet as this would destroy the plot at the very beginning, so foreseeing the doom he passed it to someone, this one couldn't be Martin, as to do it you would need to really erase all the game concept, change a great deal the main quest as it relies Martin don't even knows he is the heir of the empire.


So would be necessary creating a plot where nor the mythic dawn nor the empire had the amulet, and the player would be doing a doubleface character, pretending to be helping in the recover of the talisman for the empire and in fact working for the dawn. But there are a huge trouble here too, as this plot need to change things completely or the very quest of Camoran's Paradise and the own Mythic Dawn cult have no sense anymore unless the player would be doing a tripleface work, fooling both, empire and the cult....


Well. feasible maybe it is, but the things you asked are so structurally changing that would be not possible unless redoing the whole game. As protecting the gates, this would be a beautiful work of ingenuity to design and daunting work to implement.

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Although in the former post I said about the difficulties of playing for the MD cult, the idea of the amulet being with one unknow NPC and/or unknow place, and the player doing a triple face job to a third power is highly feasible and maybe someone go for it.


If stick from this point you maybe develop the plot to a somewhat closed packet, with beginning and ending clearly defined, so you can present it with real chance someone getting it seriously. And this will be just one step toward the point where the idea will mature enough to be modded. Doing so you will at least have some hints of the difficulties and feasibility of the idea.


At some point people will begin to think a bit more and doing a real work for the community and for himself presenting good ideas, with reasonably developed plot... in so doing one will be worth figuring in a honored place in the mod credits.

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