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[LE] Editiing Bashed Patch Outfits in CK

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Hello there,


I'm having a lot of armor and weapons mods installed.

So far using bashed patch everything is showing up on npcs, so its basically working as intended.

The only thing which keeps bothering me is that guards for example are having a lot of weapons in their inventorys instead of just one,

so I looked up their outfits in CK, and realized that bashed patch just adds the leveled items from mods to already existing leveled lists for npcs with the "use all" box ticket, which causes the npcs outfit to be totally overloaded.

So what I did was editing the leveled item lists for their gear to my likes but when saving the bashed patch loses all its masters.

Next I tried creating a new esp file with loading the bashed patch which also didn't work because my new esp lost the links to mod items after saving which resulted in npcs missing those items.

Last thing I tried was converting the mods esps to esms because I read esps can only use items from esm files. I also had to create an esm file of bashed patch since I needed its leveled lists to edit my outfits with.

My question now is: is it save to keep using all the mods as esm-plugins other than esp-plugins (same with bashed patch) which my newly created esp file needs as reference or what would be the simpliest thing to make the mod items show up in my edited outfits and on npcs?

Also do I have to rebuild the bashed patch after my new esp file to make everything work fine?


Help would be appriciated!

Edited by Khadafi87
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if you just need the masters in your plugin that you're overwriting the bashed patch with, though, you should be able to right-click it in tes5edit and "add masters...".


you might try the "calculate for each item in count" and "calculate from all levels <= player's level" flags instead of "use all" if you want to keep the npcs from having multiple armor sets. i looked in the book of uunp for an example of how to get the lists right with multiple armors.

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Thank you for your response!

Yeah I got the part on how to edit the leveled lists already, thanks.

My issue is, that the changes done by my plugin are not being saved because its masters are esps. The only way to get that done is to convert the esps to esms (because esp plugins are unable to use items from other esps) but I`m not sure weather or not its save to run the game with plugins as esms which are meant to be esps.

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it works just fine for me, but i don't use the ck if i can help it. i just went in and patched the leveled lists (made a new plugin to overwrite them) by hand in tes5edit. if you think about it, if a plugin could only use records from a .esm then a bashed patch wouldn't work too well in the first place. i wouldn't esmify it, and i'm pretty sure you don't need to.


ok, i've been throwing together a new mod list, so i haven't gotten around to sorting and patching the plugins yet (because there are 230 of them and i've been putting it off for a week) but i went in and did a sublist really quick with some boots from amidianborn content addon and the book of uunp. the masters for it are skyrim.esm and both plugins i took the records from like this. not sure if that helps somehow, but i'm positive it works, anyway.



Edited by ymf331
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So after watching some tutorials on how to edit leveled lists with TESVEDIT it actually works pretty damn fine! No need for CK anymore and after some time someone get get it done even faster this way.

Thank you a lot once more!

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Sorry for digging this up again but I didnt want to create a new topic for this...

Everything works as intended. Ive created my own plugin with adjusted leveled lists but for some reason from time to time the npcs are missing an item from the sub leveled lists which is acutally not possible since I edited them all the same way and Im quite sure I did it right plus I webt trough it a hundret times. Instead when viewing the npcs inventory using the console command "inv" its showing an untitled item as "worn" as seen here:




C1 is my plugin but theres no item in it, just edited leveled lists. How to find out which item is causing this?

Thank you!

Edited by Khadafi87
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