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Deleting old Plugins


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Hey there!

I was just wondering: is there actually a way to remove old leftover plugins of mods that I have no use for/deleted already?
I searched for something like this on the whole internet but did not find anything about that for some reason.

Only how to merge some plugins and stuff like that. But I actually got some plugins left from previous mods that I deleted some time ago.
Because of some configuration problems and stuff like that my game CTD quite frequently. Because the troubleshooting is way too much to do with the crazy amount of changes I did by now, I will rather
delete everything and start all over again.

But when I am already on it to delete everything and get back on it again, I want to make sure to delete every plugin this time. I already completely deleted Skyrim + Mods a couple of times now but the plugins always seem to survive it and I really cant figure out how to delete them. Not with the NMM, LOOT or with TES5 Edit.

Hope some of you might have an Idea on that.

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I have had this issue as well, did you make any modifications to your computer for this to happen?

To my computer as a whole?

Could you go further into detail?


I´ve made modifications to Skyrim and the .ini files to put the modifications to work.

Edited by TensaiXVI
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