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Creation Club Summer 2017


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I know they won't accept slooty mods, that is the point :p

I'm guessing that people submit the mods then Bethesda decide which ones to accept to the CC. if that is the case they are going to be swamped.

if that isn't the case, are Bethesda going to scour the Nexus then send a pm to the modders they want to recruit? if that is the case then a lot of modders are going to have their egos bruised if they don't get contacted and a lot of people are going to be sad when WIP mods stop getting updated then they see the finished mod for sale.


as I've said before, I've seen paid mods ruin a modding community and I'd hate to see it happen again

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You first have to apply to the Creative Club, You have to show links to your other mods. Kind of like a portfolio. You can't even submit a proposal until you've been accepted so it won't be random people flooding them with boob mods as a pitch hoping to get accepted.


So They already have to have an idea of your skills before the pitch.

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The modders who sign up for CC will probably not be able to release free mods as Zenimax/Bethesda will slap a price tag on any quality mods they make while under the contract.


I wouldn't think this would be an issue because you're not a company employee working on company time. You have to submit a proposal and get it approved to get paid. No proposal should mean no claim on whatever else you made while a member of "the Club".


Your post points to the problem as it is now. We have very little information on what the CC means exactly. I read a post from gamespot where they talked to pete hines and he said something along the lines of they are not modders they are working for the company. "Creation Club was a new thing that the team came up with to say, 'We want to continue to make and do stuff for Skyrim and Fallout 4, and we want to create an ecosystem that works across both games, but we want to leave mods the way that they are,'" he said. "And we don't want to change how that works. And we want to actually be able to do this ourselves but to also bring in external developers or even bring in people who are known for making mods, but not bring them in as modders--bring them in as, now you're a game developer with us, not on a mod; whatever we greenlight that you make has to meet certain criteria. It can't be something you've already created that now you say, 'I want to offer this through Creation Club.' That's not what Creation Club is about." source https://www.gamespot.com/articles/e3-2017-bethesda-boss-contrasts-fallout-4-skyrims-/1100-6450987/


You can read the full interview there if you want to. Again they have still left a lot of this open to interpretation and they have not been clear on what they are truly going to do with this in the long run, or what kind of mods they really want on the creation club.


@chucksteel. Dont be so sure of that. I guarantee they will get 1,000s of submissions from people who can barely get their game running with mods much less know how to make mods and have spent 10 minutes in blender. Nvm I just attempted to apply to the creation club to see what kind of info they wanted and I see that they do require a portfolio or a link to your previous works. IT is understandable that people who make slooty mods or mods that don't exactly fit into their guidelines are going to try and get in. I don't think its fair to ignore half of the community just because you and your share holders don't like it and are afraid to offend someone. Obviously they will ignore those mod makers but that doesn't seem entirely fair because some of the people who make slooty mods do really good work and make some fantastic armors and re textures.


Again they are adding money into the ecosystem and when you add money into anything you are welcoming in scam artists, liars, and deceit. Nothing is exempt from this and paid mods, paid dlcs or what ever you want to call them are no different.


I also wonder how the bug testing will go for this. Again Bethesda is not known for their bug free games and their finely polished end product.


Edit: I would like to say to any mod authors who may come across this. If you get accepted into the creation club then I congratulate you because as someone who is going to school for 3d modeling and animation it seems very cool and exciting to do something like this. Even if I am outspoken on this subject and do not necessarily support the CC (at least until we get some more info on the matter) I am not naive and can definitely understand how something like this would help you get a job in your field or if this is just a hobby of yours then I could see how exciting it would be to do something like this.

Edited by bluesunmerc
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I'm not knocking the people that make slooty or adult mods and some may use them as their portfolio pieces. I'm saying the people that make those mods are smart enough to know that it's not what beth wants and pitching an adult mod will most likely not be approved.


Again, this has nothing to do with their talent and they should be able to show the work as an example of their skills but, we all know Beth won't have that type of mod and they will need to pitch something else as a project.

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There are two types of work. Working for an outcome like adding replayability to a game because you enjoy it or Work as in Working for income. These are not the same things. You are owed nothing because you did the former type of "Work" for years. No one forced you to make mods. If you want to change your hobby to the type of work where you sell all claims to your creations that is your right, but it is also our right as consumers to do everything we can to crush your desires to protect what helped you hone your skills. The Modding community


Traitors and greedy backstabbers deserve no quarter or respect. There are a lot of stupid people in the world. Some will by mods but not enough to keep you "employed". Fo4 and Skyrim are old games now. Even Sim Settlements is getting boring and that's pretty new not to mention the greatest mod made to date. You are making a mistake.

Edited by MrJoseCuervo
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The modders who sign up for CC will probably not be able to release free mods as Zenimax/Bethesda will slap a price tag on any quality mods they make while under the contract.


I wouldn't think this would be an issue because you're not a company employee working on company time. You have to submit a proposal and get it approved to get paid. No proposal should mean no claim on whatever else you made while a member of "the Club".


Your post points to the problem as it is now. We have very little information on what the CC means exactly. I read a post from gamespot where they talked to pete hines and he said something along the lines of they are not modders they are working for the company. "Creation Club was a new thing that the team came up with to say, 'We want to continue to make and do stuff for Skyrim and Fallout 4, and we want to create an ecosystem that works across both games, but we want to leave mods the way that they are,'" he said. "And we don't want to change how that works. And we want to actually be able to do this ourselves but to also bring in external developers or even bring in people who are known for making mods, but not bring them in as modders--bring them in as, now you're a game developer with us, not on a mod; whatever we greenlight that you make has to meet certain criteria. It can't be something you've already created that now you say, 'I want to offer this through Creation Club.' That's not what Creation Club is about." source https://www.gamespot.com/articles/e3-2017-bethesda-boss-contrasts-fallout-4-skyrims-/1100-6450987/


You can read the full interview there if you want to. Again they have still left a lot of this open to interpretation and they have not been clear on what they are truly going to do with this in the long run, or what kind of mods they really want on the creation club.


@chucksteel. Dont be so sure of that. I guarantee they will get 1,000s of submissions from people who can barely get their game running with mods much less know how to make mods and have spent 10 minutes in blender. Nvm I just attempted to apply to the creation club to see what kind of info they wanted and I see that they do require a portfolio or a link to your previous works. IT is understandable that people who make slooty mods or mods that don't exactly fit into their guidelines are going to try and get in. I don't think its fair to ignore half of the community just because you and your share holders don't like it and are afraid to offend someone. Obviously they will ignore those mod makers but that doesn't seem entirely fair because some of the people who make slooty mods do really good work and make some fantastic armors and re textures.


Again they are adding money into the ecosystem and when you add money into anything you are welcoming in scam artists, liars, and deceit. Nothing is exempt from this and paid mods, paid dlcs or what ever you want to call them are no different.


I also wonder how the bug testing will go for this. Again Bethesda is not known for their bug free games and their finely polished end product.


Edit: I would like to say to any mod authors who may come across this. If you get accepted into the creation club then I congratulate you because as someone who is going to school for 3d modeling and animation it seems very cool and exciting to do something like this. Even if I am outspoken on this subject and do not necessarily support the CC (at least until we get some more info on the matter) I am not naive and can definitely understand how something like this would help you get a job in your field or if this is just a hobby of yours then I could see how exciting it would be to do something like this.


I look forward to tasting the coffee you will be making at Starbucks after you graduate.

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Pete Hines is a good man. I didn't even consider how this whole thing must be affecting the people at Bethesda until watching the video at GameSpot. He really tensed up when she first asked him about CC. Hopefully this will end well for them.

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Traitors and greedy backstabbers deserve no quarter or respect.



Lol... reeeeally? Traitors? You sure are full of the idea that your view is the only view, and that other modders owe "loyalty" to your cause.

I hadn't planned on applying, but now I think I will, just to give the finger to anyone who thinks they can demand my loyalty to anything or anyone here. (Not that I'll get accepted, but still....)

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I look forward to tasting the coffee you will be making at Starbucks after you graduate.



3d modeling is just one degree that I am going for. I have many other options before I get that desperate. :smile: I'm sure the next barista will be happy to help you though. Remember kids don't put all of your eggs in one basket.



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