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Creation Club Summer 2017


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The modders who sign up for CC will probably not be able to release free mods as Zenimax/Bethesda will slap a price tag on any quality mods they make while under the contract.


I wouldn't think this would be an issue because you're not a company employee working on company time. You have to submit a proposal and get it approved to get paid. No proposal should mean no claim on whatever else you made while a member of "the Club".


Your post points to the problem as it is now. We have very little information on what the CC means exactly. I read a post from gamespot where they talked to pete hines and he said something along the lines of they are not modders they are working for the company. "Creation Club was a new thing that the team came up with to say, 'We want to continue to make and do stuff for Skyrim and Fallout 4, and we want to create an ecosystem that works across both games, but we want to leave mods the way that they are,'" he said. "And we don't want to change how that works. And we want to actually be able to do this ourselves but to also bring in external developers or even bring in people who are known for making mods, but not bring them in as modders--bring them in as, now you're a game developer with us, not on a mod; whatever we greenlight that you make has to meet certain criteria. It can't be something you've already created that now you say, 'I want to offer this through Creation Club.' That's not what Creation Club is about." source https://www.gamespot.com/articles/e3-2017-bethesda-boss-contrasts-fallout-4-skyrims-/1100-6450987/


You can read the full interview there if you want to. Again they have still left a lot of this open to interpretation and they have not been clear on what they are truly going to do with this in the long run, or what kind of mods they really want on the creation club.


@chucksteel. Dont be so sure of that. I guarantee they will get 1,000s of submissions from people who can barely get their game running with mods much less know how to make mods and have spent 10 minutes in blender. Nvm I just attempted to apply to the creation club to see what kind of info they wanted and I see that they do require a portfolio or a link to your previous works. IT is understandable that people who make slooty mods or mods that don't exactly fit into their guidelines are going to try and get in. I don't think its fair to ignore half of the community just because you and your share holders don't like it and are afraid to offend someone. Obviously they will ignore those mod makers but that doesn't seem entirely fair because some of the people who make slooty mods do really good work and make some fantastic armors and re textures.


Again they are adding money into the ecosystem and when you add money into anything you are welcoming in scam artists, liars, and deceit. Nothing is exempt from this and paid mods, paid dlcs or what ever you want to call them are no different.


I also wonder how the bug testing will go for this. Again Bethesda is not known for their bug free games and their finely polished end product.


Edit: I would like to say to any mod authors who may come across this. If you get accepted into the creation club then I congratulate you because as someone who is going to school for 3d modeling and animation it seems very cool and exciting to do something like this. Even if I am outspoken on this subject and do not necessarily support the CC (at least until we get some more info on the matter) I am not naive and can definitely understand how something like this would help you get a job in your field or if this is just a hobby of yours then I could see how exciting it would be to do something like this.


Good to know pete's idea of professionally developed content worth paying for is a single bow and crab armor.....


Also Ide love to hear why pete thinks the creation club isnt just DLC but something else. Get real.

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Pete Hines is a good man. I didn't even consider how this whole thing must be affecting the people at Bethesda until watching the video at GameSpot. He really tensed up when she first asked him about CC. Hopefully this will end well for them.



I can't help myself. Must be the alcohol Sunset Sarsaparilla.

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The guy with three settlement blueprint mods, who by the way quit his illustrious career of modding because of the Creative Club is the one we all should listen too!


Makes me chuckle and I'll be happy to stab him in the back. :devil:



One thing I learned in my short stint making Addon Packs for Sim Settlements is that Modding isn't that difficult. Some things like scripting require some brain power and learning, but for the most part its like playing with legos. Anyone could have made the mods I made over the course of a couple weekends, looking at yours in the CK doesn't reveal any particular master skill set either so I am not sure why you are being such an elitist..

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One thing I learned in my short stint making Addon Packs for Sim Settlements is that Modding isn't that difficult. Some things like scripting require some brain power and learning, but for the most part its like playing with legos. Anyone could have made the mods I made over the course of a couple weekends, looking at yours in the CK doesn't reveal any particular master skill set either so I am not sure why you are being such an elitist..




That's not actually chucksteel's fault in any way and it's mostly just the fault of the shitty engine and brings me back to how much I hate Bethesda, not the modders. Love your mods chucksteel, even though I have a tough time using them (which also may totally be my fault because of a conflict or something Idon'treallyknow).


Enough with the personal attacks and talk about backstabbing, everyone, please.

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Good to know pete's idea of professionally developed content worth paying for is a single bow and crab armor.....



Also Ide love to hear why pete thinks the creation club isnt just DLC but something else. Get real.


Again I don't agree with it simply quoting what he said about it. That is his marketing degree at work right there. He is probably not the creator of nor was he the brain power behind creation club he is just their marketing guy and knowing how volatile of a situation CC is its no wonder that Mr. Howard didn't announce it himself. Also why it was right in the middle of their conference and they only briefly glossed over it. Until I get more information about CC I will remain skeptical and pessimistic about it.


If and this is a big if, if it is as good as they are letting on then I congratulate any modder who gets into the program and gets paid to mod it. I personally think they will have to follow an NDA and are very limited on discussing the inner workings of CC. Things such as how pressured they are to get a mod done, disclosing how they work with Bethesda on mods, and pay. Those are the types of things I have a feeling they will try to keep the modders quite on. Of course I may need to put on a tinfoil hat to start talking about NDAs.

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I at least use my own creativity where you only use someone else's framework and call it a mod.


Read my post again. I clearly called my content an addon. I am under no delusions of what I am or what I contributed. The delusional are people who think they deserve to be paid when no one forced them to make content.


BTW if you think your nav mesh breaking, lag causing mods will get you into the CC and make you bank, you may want to make a contingency plan.

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and maybe you shouldn't be attacking a kid in school for 3d! Tell me what you have done or even tried to do for the community NOTHING! I at least try and help the community and if I get into the CC I will continue to do so. You on the other hand have what to offer?

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and maybe you shouldn't be attacking a kid in school for 3d! Tell me what you have done or even tried to do for the community NOTHING! I at least try and help the community and if I get into the CC I will continue to do so. You on the other hand have what to offer?


What am I trying to do? Make people see how a few greedy elitist, butthurt over Youtuber, mod makers are about to help destroy modding forever.

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