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Behtesda jsut announced locking mods behind a pay wall


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Nothing for it but to wait and see.


Ways this could not suck: more and better quality quest mods that add hours of gameplay to the games we love and actually see those modders that put in that kind of time and effort (usually at the sacrifice of other areas of their lives) get a little financial compensation for their efforts.


Ways this could suck: Utility mods that other interesting, varied, and sometimes quite small, mods depend on being curated only and therefor kind of mandatory to those that really want to indulge in their mod use obsessions. Desperately needed graphic enhancements with hefty price tags.


It'll depend on what kind of mods and how many modders end up curated but at this point it's too early to panic.

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I didn't like the whole transparency of "They're not paid mods because they cost Bethesda Dollars, not Real Dollars, but you buy Bethesda Dollars with actual Dollars so only the currency is paid, not the mods".

That's just so transparent and misleading that I can't help but hate them for it.


As for the damage it'll cause Nexus, I can't see it hurting it too soon. It's pretty late for them to start swinging at Fallout 4 and Skyrim, or any previous title because they've gotten everything including the kitchen sink.


What I fear is how the community will be together for future titles. I doubt they have the modders hard work in their mind if they did they wouldn't rip 70% of their profits, no doubt it's a profit based mindset they've got going. It's all about maximizing profits and they did say they would try to do this again before. This is just their previous promise manifesting itself.

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Even though there are a lot of very talented modders that really helped revolutionize the game and I appreciate their work very much, I am happy to see Bethesda start offering commercial content again.


Hopefully, this will generate more interest in the game and motivate existing and new modders to generate new game content.

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Yeah mine too


I'm going to leave this here. Read through the FAQ, it settled my suspicions and fears.



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I've made mods for this game because I loved it.. It sounds like bethesda is trying to Maximize profits and get the best modders under a pay-wall, like the you know who modders that I won't name.. They want to take the talent from the mod community & profit from it. just like they turned dlc into profit when it was just a after the fact creation. I'm very very nervous bethesda.

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I've made mods for this game because I loved it.. It sounds like bethesda is trying to Maximize profits and get the best modders under a pay-wall, like the you know who modders that I won't name.. They want to take the talent from the mod community & profit from it. just like they turned dlc into profit when it was just a after the fact creation. I'm very very nervous bethesda.

Those 'best modders' you speak of are the folks that have made it known that they work as game developers themselves. I'm not so sure that kind of thing is allowed if they are employed/under contract. Though I'm certain Beth isn't interested in folks that make house mods, etc, you know, average joes.

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It's completely different to the Steam implementation. First thing's first: Mods as we know them are going nowhere. You can't retroactively add existing mods to the Creation Club. They HAVE to be made from scratch.
Secondly: To release a mod on there, you need to get accepted as a Creator, which involves applying and showcasing your existing work (Think of it as applying for a job).


Once you've been accepted, you then HAVE to pitch a project to Bethesda before you can make it - You can't just make it on a whim. You need to create design documentation, vision documents, concepts, the works - Like pitching a new game to a publisher.


IF you get accepted, you then work out a schedule and road map with Bethesda. You then begin getting paid a monthly wage - as if you were a dev. Once complete, your mod will undergo professional in-house QA at Bethesda, as well as localization to be translated into all the languages Fallout 4 or Skyrim are available in. It is then released.

So as you can see, free mods aren't going anywhere - Simply because not many mods will be picked up at once due to the financial implications. It's a win-win for both parties - Modders can get a source of income (If they're between jobs, or help pay with education etc etc) and consumers can get DLC-quality mods.

Sources: My experience as a game designer & the Creation Club FAQ pages. (https://creationclub.bethesda.net/)

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