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Can't Interact (New Books)


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I just downloaded the Oblivion Book Creator because I decided that I wanted to add the Skyrim books (and a few others) to my Oblivion library. Everything worked well up until I went in game to test. The book I created (A Dream of Sovngarde) was present where I placed it but there was no interaction possible (can't pick it up, grab it, blast it with a fireball, etc) and no info on mouse over.


Not at all sure where I went wrong here, looked at some other Oblivion books in the CS and didn't see anything I'd done differently with mine...I'm stumped

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I don't know what it is either, and I'm not familiar with the Oblivion Book Creator.


But what I would try is to edit one of the vanilla books, changing the EditorID (so that it becomes a new item) and adding a few words into the book - nothing fancy, just enough to know that you're viewing the modified book. See if that helps narrow down where the problem lies.

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Well, I still have no idea what happened but it works now. Got about 50 books already and am still going. Done with Skyrim so now I'm collecting works from Daggerfall and Morrowind. With those and the others I plan to add I expect at least 100 if not more :)


Thanks for the help though Lanceor, I'll try that if it goes screwy again.

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If it wasn't for the fact that I'm using a texture and icon from other mods I might try turning this growing collection into a mod. Though somehow I expect most people are working with Skyrim now and so Oblivion mods won't be as interesting anyway...


Did discover that I don't actually need the Oblivion Book Creator which helps speed the process. Also found the Imperial Library website so I don't have to copy into word to fix things before moving to the CS. It's become a nice fast 3 step process :D

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There's a number of book cover resources that you can include in your mod and would help eliminate the dependency on other mods if you want to go in that route (for me, if I spend hours on a mod, I want more than one person to be be able to enjoy it. :D) Images inside the books are another matter though and you might have to create them in Photoshop. Oblivion screenshots are a great way to get book images.


What Striker was saying is that if someone else is having a hard time creating books, a tutorial written by you would help them immensely - after all, you figured out some things that a bunch of experienced modders couldn't. ;) Adding the tutorial as a book in the game would be an interesting new way to deliver it. Modders are always learning new ways to do things, and passing on the knowledge for others to build upon. :thumbsup:

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