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Can't Interact (New Books)


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The absolute last thing I wanted to do was insult ... I'm horrified that I wasn't more clear in what I suggested.


As Lanceor pointed out, what I meant was it would be helpful to others to have a nice step by step tutorial on how to do this, and I thought having the tutorial available as an Oblivion book would be kind of different (although I suppose a regular type resource would be more practical for everyday use).

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No worries Striker, like I said, I wasn't sure which way you meant that. It could have gone either way :)


It is a good idea though and really, what's one more book added to the pile?


Managed to figure out container creation last night and create a spot to place all my books (Much nicer then having them piled on the floor of First Edition) Hopefully the Recovering won't take too long since I only have to change the mesh/texture and icon rather then recreate every book...that would have been horrible :)

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