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Cleric vs Religion-- Which do you prefer and why?


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Ever since Skyrim came out, I have always wanted to do a Paladin, Anti-Paladin, Vigilant and Dark Priest playthrough that actually had some meaning in the game. I am currently doing a "Lawful Good" Vigilant/ Pally using the "Vigilant" mod, and have both of these active at the same time. They are very different, though, so I am thinking of starting a new playthrough using one of these. What has been y'all's experiences with these two mods? And, is there a viable mod for a Dark Priest/Anti-Pally playthrough, perhaps a worshiper of Molag Bal?

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i always like to play with a perk overhaul (perma in my case is perfect for this) that makes restoration, alteration buffs, and speechcraft more viable. a few times i've gone full-on support and just played cleric to followers. it's a really interesting change of pace, though a bit at-odds with the whole "dragonborn" hero theme.


throw a sword in and some heavy armor in and i guess that's a paladin. the curses and plagues alongside added conjuration mechanics could be neat for a dark-knight type character.

Edited by ymf331
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