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OBSE causing appcrash


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my game used to run just fine. i give u a quick overview:


-latest obse

-wrye bash so load order etc. is fine

-latest game patches

-253 or so active plugins (ok i know its a lot but hey it used to work fine!) and no its not over 255



now i show u my problem: (i didnt download or install any new mods or change anything not even in the ini files!)


i didnt play the game for quite some time, then decided to do so again. after starting with obse, just as usual, when i loaded my savegame (later tried any other with same result) after finishing with loading i get an appcrash and it says:


Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: Oblivion.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 462392c7

Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll

Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.17725

Fault Module Timestamp: 4ec49b8f

Exception Code: c0000008

Exception Offset: 000828c5

OS Version: 6.1.7601.

Locale ID: 1031

Additional Information 1: 27c8

Additional Information 2: 27c8ce5af7a07bedf550bd9c573901b3

Additional Information 3: e56e

Additional Information 4: e56e9cfaf3cd1084b6b4c016d12ce64c



then i tried:


-downloaded and installed new obse (was the same version, tried it anyway) same result

-ran BOSS, same result

-BUT THEN: ran oblivion not with OBSE but with the standard oblivion.exe NO CRASH!



anybody has an idea what my problem here might be ? or any suggestions on an attempt how to fix this? please help me :ohdear: i dont get why a correctly and always working obse would cause this crash??

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The only thing that comes to mind for me is whether or not your OBSE save is there for the matching Oblivion save that you are trying. Once you install OBSE it will create a save each time you save Oblivion. If you look in your saves folder (found in Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves for Vista and Win 7 or in Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves for WinXP) you should see paired saves for all the saves you've made since you installed OBSE. The save generated by the game will have an .ess extension and the OBSE save will have an .obse extension, the base name of the file will be the same.


Other than that you'll need to figure out what changes were made to your machine during that 'quite some time' ... e.g Windows updates, DirectX updates, video or sound card updates, codec paks installed ...

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Another thing to remember is that OBSE by itself shouldn't cause crashes, but a bad script could. Chances are that the bad script requires OBSE so...


Without OBSE running, the script doesn't work due to the presence of OBSE commands and the game continues.

With OBSE running, the scripts works and attempts something bad (such as send an instruction to something that's been deleted).


And it's not necessarily the script's fault - a mod conflict could do this.


The only thing to try is to disable certain mods to see if it stops the crashing... good luck.

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Another thing to remember is that OBSE by itself shouldn't cause crashes, but a bad script could. Chances are that the bad script requires OBSE so...


Without OBSE running, the script doesn't work due to the presence of OBSE commands and the game continues.

With OBSE running, the scripts works and attempts something bad (such as send an instruction to something that's been deleted).


And it's not necessarily the script's fault - a mod conflict could do this.


The only thing to try is to disable certain mods to see if it stops the crashing... good luck.


a very good hint. i went through the \plugins folder from obse. i renamed the library EnhancedMusicControl.dll to EnhancedMusicControl.dll.disable and henceforth the game didnt crash anymore! its quite odd though, i have the latest version of it. maybe it cant handle too many tracks? (i have added many tracks to the music folders of oblivion)

i tried to make a save with it "disabled" and then to start again from that save but i got the crash again, so i will have to go on without EnhancedMusicControl until i find a proper solution to this. gonna try around when i have more time.. but thank you very much for helping me to find the problem!! :thumbsup:




EDIT: http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=19772

i am not the only one having problems with enhanced music control. if u guys run in similar problems like me, my first try would be to start game without EnhancedMusicControl.dll

Edited by GladMax
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  • 2 weeks later...

ok the topic is not new but i still have issues with ingame-music. like stated above, i stopped using EnhancedMusicControl.dll in order to make the game runnable without appcrash. but now i have a new problem:


whenever a new music track starts playing, i get a pause of ~ 2 seconds of the game, which means the game stops for 2 seconds, or to be more precise, the process does not respond for 2 seconds before the next track is being played and the game runs again just as smooth as it should be. does anybody have an idea why there is this pause of 2 secs? it feels like thread.sleep(2000) if u know what i mean .. :confused:

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The slowest part of your system (after the DVD or Bluray drive) is your hard drive. Are you seeing activity on your HDD light when this happens?
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The slowest part of your system (after the DVD or Bluray drive) is your hard drive. Are you seeing activity on your HDD light when this happens?


nope, i dont see hdd activity, nor can i hear hdd activity. the timeout has always the exact same timespan, and this didnt occur before . my hdd is not the fastest, but it still has plenty of room and im sure its not the drive. your idea wasnt bad though. it must be something else! but what? :ermm:

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Reading through the most recent page of mod comments on Enhanced Music Control I noticed a post by Surazal (made in reply to a post by PrincessBridget) that seems relevant to your situation (he reported finding a solution to his crash problem, she has a stuttering issue). Have you looked back through the mod comments for ideas?
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Reading through the most recent page of mod comments on Enhanced Music Control I noticed a post by Surazal (made in reply to a post by PrincessBridget) that seems relevant to your situation (he reported finding a solution to his crash problem, she has a stuttering issue). Have you looked back through the mod comments for ideas?


i tried looking there too, but i didnt find what u did ... can u share a direct link to it please, or where can i find this exactly?

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