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player kingdom


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i was thinking about a mod where you the player can own a castle with every thing in it from spell making alters to a sparing partner and maybe a magical sparring partner(this castle is absolutly loaded), but there s one thing unique about this mod. Your castle is own cite state, you can control the economy as well as your army.


But every once in a while there this an attack from other city states on your castle. Now you have two options repel the attack(note that the attacking force will have seige weapons) and rebuild your fotress, or repel the attack then lead an attack on the enemy stronghold. If you chose to repel and rebuild your enimeis will not attack for some time but they will take allances with bandits,goblins,mercenaries etc.



So it would be kinda like an RTS but you can leave your kingdom to your senate when you wish to go on quests.


I doesn't have to be this big but this is the basic idea. thoughts? questions?

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i was thinking about a mod where you the player can own a castle with every thing in it from spell making alters to a sparing partner and maybe a magical sparring partner(this castle is absolutly loaded), but there s one thing unique about this mod. Your castle is own cite state, you can control the economy as well as your army.


But every once in a while there this an attack from other city states on your castle. Now you have two options repel the attack(note that the attacking force will have seige weapons) and rebuild your fotress, or repel the attack then lead an attack on the enemy stronghold. If you chose to repel and rebuild your enimeis will not attack for some time but they will take allances with bandits,goblins,mercenaries etc.



So it would be kinda like an RTS but you can leave your kingdom to your senate when you wish to go on quests.


I doesn't have to be this big but this is the basic idea. thoughts? questions?


For a great deal of this idea there are at least two mods that do almost the same... both related to Kvatch

Don't have something like being attacked by other cities but you will have to defend your feudo at least one or two times against the forces of Oblivion.

If being count or countess is enough, good ... if not there is some work being made that will permit you making another step toward the Imperial City Throne... but reaching it would be not a good idea.


Ah, yes, the castle have all those amenities too, except the sparring partners ones, and this is a good idea, indeed.


As the other ideas, this would really change Oblivion in a RTS game, where it would be never the better one, How it is Oblivion is one of the best game at its category ever, would be no good broking this.


There are missions on KA or KR where you shall command a group of fighters, as exist in the vanilla too, like the one involving the mage's guild and the final quest of Knights of the nine. Yet this is not the same than trying to develop things the engine is not dedicated to do.

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Well I guess I should not of put "kind of like a rts". What I mean for it to be more like all the guild endgames combined. Like in the fighters guild you increase recruitment or increase magical items in your inventory, like that but you would be able to control more aspects of your kingdom like secure your trade carts to the Imperial City. But instead of creating the guards and assinging them to the trade routes you would just invest your kingdoms money into it. This also accounts for all of then things you as the king are in control of.

However this is all optional so like i said before if you want to leave you just tell your senate you going on a journey if you want to leave permnatly then tell them your going in to exile(with the option of coming back of corse)



However I do agree an rts type mod would spoil the game play, so maybe instead of an enemy kingdom attacking why not just the bandits,mauraders etc.. or make it so that you can't expand your empire buy conquering you enemies.

And about expansion,very limited outside of wealth the only thing you may expand is trade and may be farms to certain degree. This whole Idea is supposed to be like shivering isles but much broader in the sense that you will be gaining more from it and you will have more and more challenging foes threatening to claim it on a regular basis.



yea somebody tell me how to indent and spellcheck on this forum..

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Well I guess I should not of put "kind of like a rts". What I mean for it to be more like all the guild endgames combined. Like in the fighters guild you increase recruitment or increase magical items in your inventory, like that but you would be able to control more aspects of your kingdom like secure your trade carts to the Imperial City. But instead of creating the guards and assinging them to the trade routes you would just invest your kingdoms money into it. This also accounts for all of then things you as the king are in control of.

However this is all optional so like i said before if you want to leave you just tell your senate you going on a journey if you want to leave permnatly then tell them your going in to exile(with the option of coming back of corse)



However I do agree an rts type mod would spoil the game play, so maybe instead of an enemy kingdom attacking why not just the bandits,mauraders etc.. or make it so that you can't expand your empire buy conquering you enemies.

And about expansion,very limited outside of wealth the only thing you may expand is trade and may be farms to certain degree. This whole Idea is supposed to be like shivering isles but much broader in the sense that you will be gaining more from it and you will have more and more challenging foes threatening to claim it on a regular basis.


As I said in the last post, there are already two mods, Kvatch Aftermath and Kvath Rebuilt that does almost all you suggest (with differences only in scope).


But look, the engine is not meant to deal with group combat ... where this is possible your control is very limited. It just was not designed to be that way, To do something like you want would be redoing the very core of the game, would not even be a mod since would be another totally different game concept and category.


In those mods I cited, you can become count/countess of Kvatch as now it is destroyed and its count dead. You are the Kvatch Savior, so is not against the lore you being choose by the Elder Council to assume the government of the city.


But to do it you must protect the borders, you will have to eradicate the criminals that are massing around it, and you will have a group of fighters do assist you in this. You will have to defend the city in more than one occasion against invading forces. Will will have fighter's guild contracts, will have you own castle, better than most others, complete, having yet a secret place with aparatus and such ... with another job of the same autor of KA you eventually can become more than count....


So, Like you see, most of the things you ask exist already, mainly the ones that can be made and not kill the lore.

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