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Mods Suggestions and feasiblity


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I believe mustn't have limits to anyones suggestions, of course. But knowing what ask is a good way to grant our ideas will receive the attention we hope.


Even unfeasible ideas can bring to light several possibilities that can be useful.


It's knew by anyone who deals with development that is aways a good idea to give some thought to things that can shortcut our best efforts at the root.


Suggestion in some ways can (and most of times must) be treated as similar as a brainstorm tech.


The idea of this topic is to open a space where one can share his/her thoughts about things anyone willing to suggest a mod can be advised or oriented in how to develop a promising idea or even change those things that would make then unfeasible.


edit: the following are examples of things that can happens


1 - I know your idea of changing Oblivion in a Turn Based Strategy game is wonderful, but there is a little and almost insignificant detail of the engine not being very good in doing this.


2 - I too think Dart Vader is a charismatic figure, and he can really have accidentally crashed in Tamriel after being so rudely beat by that impudent boy and getting his space fighter ship out of control. The only problem seems to be: what we can do with him? (but don't ever let this be a impediment to your imagination, will be aways someone that will buy this)


The two possibilities above have something in common and a fundamental difference too.


In common they have 'not being among the best suggestions we can do'. But the difference is enough to put the first on that category of immediately forgettable (unless someone do something that would transform Oblivion in something that is not TES)


But the second is feasible... will kill all lore and be seem as childish by most of us, yet is feasible


So I'm asking for help in developing the ways, advices and/or orientations we can pass to the ones, good willing, but that don't have yet a clear notion of the things that are almost impossibles to be accomplished.


Edit: Some changes in spelling and grammatical construction were made in hope to better understanding. I believe much can be done to better it a bit more and I apologize don't being able to do this yet.

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Let me advise you that when you write a post please re-read it and edit it so you dont look like an educated moron, no offense but reading this post just gave me a fricken headache.


Anyway we all make mistakes and from what i got from this article is something about an oblivion mod turning oblivion into a Turn based stratagy game? Impossible! Game engine could not handle it. PERIOD!

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Let me advise you that when you write a post please re-read it and edit it so you dont look like an educated moron, no offense but reading this post just gave me a fricken headache.


Anyway we all make mistakes and from what i got from this article is something about an oblivion mod turning oblivion into a Turn based stratagy game? Impossible! Game engine could not handle it. PERIOD!


You must be completely right about me re-reading it if you thought I was proposing this thing.


So I think I must repeat using fewer words to lessen my chances of errors:


I believe all have the right to suggest things they can imagine ... and I was asking for suggestions about the better way to help and orient the ones that asks for things as converting Oblivion into a TBS (this is just an example).


A way that would really help while being the less rude possible, mainly when we have headaches that difficult us to understand the proposition.


About being an educated moron, I'm trying hard and I believe I'm getting better at thinking in english. But I'm aware that some grammatical constructions I use are uncommon to english speakers yet, and some even confusing.


Think this is not very different from an english speaker trying to speak my native idiom, and I don't think him a moron just for this.

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Let me advise you that when you write a post please re-read it and edit it so you dont look like an educated moron, no offense but reading this post just gave me a fricken headache.


Anyway we all make mistakes and from what i got from this article is something about an oblivion mod turning oblivion into a Turn based stratagy game? Impossible! Game engine could not handle it. PERIOD!


It's not impossible. Through the use of scripting and a smart head one could very easily turn this into a Turn based. It's my opinion that you are not thinking outside the box.

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