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Papyrus, how to swap furniture item in world

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Well I am trying to swap a chair with havok to a static chair when activated as it will move otherwise from the sitting down animation.


Well the NpcChairVaultSit03 does not spawn however. Help would be much appreciated. I am sure its something really obvious.

Furniture property PFC_co_Tool_FoldingChairGround auto const
Furniture property NpcChairVaultSit03 auto const
MiscObject property PFC_co_Tool_FoldingChairInventory auto const

ObjectReference chairRef
ObjectReference StaticChairRef

blah blah blah

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
	if (akActionRef == game.getPlayer())
		StaticChairRef = chairRef.PlaceAtMe(NpcChairVaultSit03)
		StaticChairRef.MoveTo chairRef
		RegisterForRemoteEvent(game.getplayer(), "OnGetUp")

blah blah blah
Edited by stonefisher
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hmmm, that is interesting,

attempting to get mama murphy to sit on an automathrone ref instead huh?

or, those long vault bench-refs that settlers never seem to sit on?


I think Shavkacagarikia spoke with Steve40 on a thread circa 2015 about that,

though I'll be darned if I can find it hehe,

I'm pretty sure it covered cloning that stuff, and stopping custom furniture weirdness from npc's flying off at

great speed from the said furniture.


I'll have a little look see,

in the meantime, hopefully an FO4 mod fu pro will be able to help with this snippet,

I suspect it is an ill defined chairRef and no catchback causing the weirdness.

either that, or you have specified a class, but the refID# pathing for the object isn't properly pathed,

and isn't caught under that class encapsulation hehe.

Purr4Me might be able to reflect on that - they're awesome at lateral thinking and catching ill-defined stuff

in seconds flat hehe.


If you make like a bouncy-castle style furniture,

and you want NPC's say to dive onto it and rebound etc,

then you'd probably need custom animations and all.

say, mapping chair animations and bed animations to a bed or mat etc.

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I think Shavkacagarikia spoke with Steve40 on a thread circa 2015 about that,

though I'll be darned if I can find it hehe,

I'm pretty sure it covered cloning that stuff, and stopping custom furniture weirdness from npc's flying off at

great speed from the said furniture.


Cannot remember that conversation, probably getting old and forgetting stuff .


About the code, the problem probably is that you are calling placeatme on chairRef which is None for your case. Try self.placeatme instead.


Also I suggest you to block initial chair activation with self.blockactivation(). (Place it inside oninit() event)

Edited by shavkacagarikia
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Thanks for the info and idea,


Nothing so exciting or complex as that i'm afraid. Its just for my portable folding chair mod. Where you can walk around with a chair and (in next release use as a melee weapon) sit on it wherever you like as long as its lvl enough.


Its just when you go sit on it it can be bumped askew.




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thanks for that guidance,

re not recalling stuff, I grok that hehe ageing is lame

(give Aubrey deGrey and team enough time, and they'll fix that hehe)


I'll find that thread sooner or later, I have to go back through the wayback machine to find it though hehe,

but I am positive you've covered something similar to this animation weirdness back then.

I think it was for placeable turrets, or it might have been about that drivable forklift with chaingun emplacement...

or was it that ferris-wheel/moving rollercoast, or the moving elevator node mod (how people weren't sitting properly if you had a chair on an elevator)


I know you're busy modding a zillion things, and given how prolific you've been,

chances are "murphys law of internet" now applies - if we can think of it,

chances are that Shavkacagarikia has replied to it somewhere on Nexus somewhen else hehe.

so I do try and remember and use bookmarks or googlefu hehe

thanks again shav



and modest too, it 'only' can be a melee weapon you can also place and sit on,

that is too awesome!

can we add parts to this chair in the weapon bench? hahaha I jest, I jest,

I just wondered what welding picatinny rail for a quick-change stubby holder might look like.

I knew it had to be some variable geometry shenanigans hehe.


say, stonefisher, forgive a brief tangent,

how would you go about modding decals or nurb-face-groups in FO4 to play animations on the texture-surface?

I get to thinking you'll probably find an even different or better way to achieve that,

if this is anything to go by!

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Sure might as well add weapon mods, though it cant hinder its main purpose of sitting on it. Probably gonna have to build a mush for each version seat as well and use a keyword filter to choose which one is deployed as a chair.


Lets say a plank nailed to the back of seat for more mass but slower speed with an optional upgrade of chains and/or nails fixed to the plank. Also have to make a cosmetic armour piece for ppl who like that.


I have no idea about decals or nurb-face-groups i'm afraid. This mod was only a quick mod I threw together in an afternoon using a piece of script from one of my main mods I am working on. Which shavkacagarikia was a HUUUUUGE help with. I have really learnt a lot about evil coding in the last few weeks.





Now that first link so interesting I think i'll just add the line in my script and see what happens. :smile:

Edited by stonefisher
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