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Shooten Guns! at each other


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i think these little ideas might help for a working gun in Skyrim.


1:take any arrow and remove all but the head.

2:increase arrow heads movement speed & Distance.

3:increase Bullets(Arrow Heads) Damage/force.

4:make/convert any form of gun.

5:add(custom) recoil animations(depending on gun type){no Pulling back like its a bow)

6:increase guns fire rate(depending on gun type, Single, Burst, Semi-Auto, Full Auto)


And that's it, well i am thinking of scopes and Noob-Tubes.

For scope's and NoobTubes(if applied to the gun) hold RightClick to..Set Aim(if no Scope, then no aim, only hip-fire) then LeftClick to fire well aiming, if no scope then right click will set off the Secondary ammo(explosive object) if tube is attached, and for something like a rocket launcher use a copy of the spell Fire Ball just with some changes to its damage, force, radius, and no fire animations till it hits something, the reason why i pick fire ball for a rocket is because that spell dose not stop! till it hits something!, lol hit a dead dragon(bones) with fire ball making sure the fire ball don't hit anything as the dragon bones take flight! xD.

I hope this helps jump-start the production of guns in the elder scrolls, ether through this mod or a mod of its own, don't matter too me i had an idea and just wanted to share, you or anyone can take this information and call it there own. when it comes to modding, im a Decision maker not a Fighter. Live Long and Save Allot!

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