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My biggest issue is with all the awesome mods I've enjoyed i have a hard time not wanting to donate to all but can't afford that an still make a donation that wasn't insulting amount. Is there some sort of community donation thing or something that could mutually benefit all authors. It's been something I have pondered the last year and sense i have this thought mayb some1 else might be thinking same?
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I had thought about it just wish I could be more personal. If I make textures and start uploading mayb that could be a way, haven't been that successful at mods other than tweaks for myself, don't have the attention span to keep from bein distracted, nor the time to grind at mostly Edited by mortisedsnail35
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I would say that whatever you can afford would be appreciated. My general sense is that donating is much more talked about than actually done. No one's going to get rich off donations, but that's okay. :)

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I would say that whatever you can afford would be appreciated. My general sense is that donating is much more talked about than actually done. No one's going to get rich off donations, but that's okay. :smile:

i disagree. there's this one Nigerian prince who gets a lot of donations from people so that he can wire millions back to them but the wire is never successful. :D

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You mean I shouldn't have deleted that e-mail? O_o Drat!


To the OP, don't mind Qwerty and me...we do this. :tongue:


Oh...and your idea about uploading some textures and giving back to the community that way is a good one. Other ways you can give back are by answering forum posts about problems, endorsing mods you like and talking them up, and giving users kudos. (You can give a kudo by going to the user's Nexus mods profile page and clicking the button in the upper right hand corner of the page.) Take the time to leave a comment on the mods you really like or send the modder a nice PM. There are many ways (which do not involve money) to show your support for the community.

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