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3ds max question


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The transform gizmo will be located at the meshes pivot center.. I think this is what is going on by what you say, basically you can delete the right hand glove, assuming the left and right are identical. set pivot to 0 in the x plane, the mirror the lft glove in x., now I would go about skinning the left glove then use skin utilities to extract weights to a mesh, then mirror that. now select the left glove, assuming this is editable poly and not editable mesh (skin never used to like editable mesh, and skin utilities neither), and under the skin modifier attach the r glove. add the right hand bones to the skin modifier and then use skin utilities to import the weights from the mirrored mesh with the extracted weights.



wait so i can just do one glove and mirror it to the other hand?


i gotta find that tool lol..


hah thanks that actually saved me a ton of time :)


i click the right glove, click tools then mirror, then x and copy and bam now i have 2 gloves the same on each hand.. you rock :)


now if i make changes to the original glove does it copy the changes or should i mirror it when im all done?

Edited by aarons6
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You never ever have to do anything twice in 3d, if you find yourself doing anything twice, you are doing it the hard way, this applies to just about every action. unless you f*** up or something you should always think there has to be a better way, because a lot of the time there actually is..


If you choose instance then the changes will be applied to both meshes, I would personally do a regular mirror clone at the end as you don't want an instance at the end of it, you'll want to be able to attach the meshes together after one side is 99% all finished and skinned, pretty much ready for export.

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i got it done. its not usable.. but im happy..

it took 3 days from never using this program or importing anything in the game.. i think i did an ok job.

ill post a screen shot, its on a mannequin..



unfortunately when i put the clothes on they get all distorted.. i never intended to use this anyway.


i think i messed up layers or something.. i dunno.. when i breath and move around it gets all twisted..


guess i have to figure that out.. know where to start looking?

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it mostly occur if you did'nt fix the armor for both _0 (slim) and _1(muscular) that was require for weight slider


i used the same for both.. so that isnt it.


i still need to figure out the wrapping thing... if anyone knows i have 3ds max 2012 and i dont know where to look.

Edited by aarons6
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than it definitely skinning problem. more like unweighted vertices (blender).


thats what i was thinking, i didnt know what i was doing so i made a lot of unnecessary vertices.. i think..



do you know how to wrap stuff?


like say i want to make skin tight clothing directly on the model.. instead of making the clothing, and putting on the model, is there a way i can say make an object on the model then have it auto wrap so to speak to the models curves?

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