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Mundane Ring = 15% magic damage ?


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Mundane Ring:

50% Resist Magic

35% Reflect Magic


Does it mean these 2 things:

- We fully reflect 35% of the original spell damage ? (because I think the reflect is applied before the Resist)

- We only get 15% of the original spell damage ? (because I think reflect = avoid + return damage to the caster)


Thank you

Edited by FitGuy6Pack
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The percentages are the % chance of you either resisting or reflecting a spell cast at you. There is an order which the game uses to apply resist, reflect and absorb, but I'm not at my home computer to browse through my notes.


- Edit - Correction ... resist always works and the percentage is the percent of the incoming spell you resist.


Have a look at the bottom of this UESP Wiki page for the complete explanation.

Edited by Striker879
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