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"Cryptospoidium 136" Zetan Companion


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A mod to replace the injured and instantly hostile Alien with an Alien named Cryptosporidium 136, a reference to Destroy All Humans


Crypto uses his psychic powers to read your mind when you enter the cave, and he learns that you're not immediately going to kill him, making the once hostile encounter slightly more diplomatic.


You could explain away the lack of lip synching with him conversing with you telepathically.


He mentions "You seem pretty cool with meeting an alien for the first time"

To which you can reply "I just woke up from a 200 year nap to find my house destroyed and radioactive zombies, gun toting psychopaths, giant mutant monsters, and Homicidal robots have moved in next door. You're the like least weirdest thing I've come across today."


He then joins you in an effort to look for spaceship parts to repair his craft.


By default he uses his alien blaster in battle.

Crypto eats brains. As such, he loves acts of cannibalism and killing enemies with headshots. He gets excited when seeing a Robobrain, laughing at the idea of "Brain, now in a can!"


Upon reaching max affinity, he would grant the player an alien energy shield, which increases their basic energy resistance by +25, and has a 10% chance to negate the damage of an energy attack.


Could use voice clips from the Destroy All Humans games, or use personally recorded voice overs.

Edited by MLeonhardt
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