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Another Encumbrance Glitch

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Hello people. I'm new here, and that's my first time posting, so I don't know if this is the correct area of the forums, so if I posted it in the wrong place, please let me know. And yes, I did search for a fix to the problem, but nobody seemed to have the same problem as me. Now, on to my problem: as the name suggests, problems with encumbrance. Last night I was playing and I noticed that suddenly, my encumbrance is 151/315. The "151" isn't the problem, the problem is that my max limit was 330, and everytime I remove a item (armor or the Talisman of Abetment, which has feather effect, for example) the max encumbrance goes up to 330 for like, a second, and then back to 315 again. And well, I have no idea what's this and why it's happening.


Character is lvl 26, 63 strenght, Talisman of Abetment for feather effect, all heavy armor (because master in it). I use no mods that change stats/inventory/items, no damaged stats, no deceases...nothing.


Don't know if this could be related but, some nights ago I used what was my latest save at the time to go to the Testinghall. I know that getting the Emperor's Robe may cause a similiar bug, but I didn't even get it AND, most importantly, I didn't save after going to Testinghall, I just quit the game without saving, so I could load the latest save (before I went to Testinghall) without any problems. Yet the problem is there. Any idea what is this and how to solve it? (or is this normal and I'm just really dumb? Haha)


PS: I know that Oblivion shows wrong encumbrance when using anything with feather effect, but I don't think that's the only problem here...anyway, thanks in advance for any help.

Edited by NemesisUndead
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Do you use anything like Realistic Fatigue or Basic Primary Needs?

Nope, here's a list with all the mods I'm using right now:




Qarl's Texture Pack III Redimized

Oblivion Sound Sets

HUD Status Bar

HGEC Sexy Armor Replacer


Bomret's Texture Pack for Shivering Isles



I don't think any of those mods would cause this bug, not even HUD Status Bar (which is the most recent mod I installed, and I installed it the same night the bug appeared...)

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There are also some differences in how the game displays encumbrance if you aren't overencumbered before you equip a feather enchanted item or drink a feaather potion (if I'm not mistaken ... having no luck finding my sources for that info).


Also, according to my calculations, at strength 63 your encumbrance limit should be 315 (5 x 63).

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There are also some differences in how the game displays encumbrance if you aren't overencumbered before you equip a feather enchanted item or drink a feaather potion (if I'm not mistaken ... having no luck finding my sources for that info).


Also, according to my calculations, at strength 63 your encumbrance limit should be 315 (5 x 63).

Actually, that encumbrance limit is the thing confusing me, because the encumbrance limit for strenght 63 indeed is 315, but with Talisman of Abetment (feather 15 pts effect) it goes up to 330. But that won't happen anymore, even with it equipped, it shows 315 limit, and when I unequip/equip it again, it shows 330 limit for like, 1 sec, before going back to 315 again. Can't even tell if the game is glitching or if I'm the wrong one actually, haha.


As for the encumbrance display thing...well, I remember reading something like that in UESP (Oblivion Feather Page) maybe? Don't know if it's the same thing though.

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At level 26 the Talisman of Abetment gives ( or is supposed to give) a +65 feather effect, not +15. Does the same thing happen with a new game?

Oh, it gives +15 effect because I got it at a lower level (between 1-5, if I'm not mistaken). Went to Shivering Isles too early, haha.


In a new game, with nothing but the "sack clothings" equipped, encumbrance is 4/200. Using console to add the Talisman of Abetment, with the same stats as the one I'm using on my regular save, makes 0/200. When equipping it, some other number (other than 200) blink for a second, but then it stays at 200. Same thing happening in the regular save.

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Alright, a little update here:


- I was playing a few minutes ago, and when I was reading a book in my inventory, I just realized doing that would "freeze" everything in the background (just like it does when you talk to any NPC). And then, I was able to take two screenshots: one showing the encumbrance "as is" right now (after the "bug", showing 315 limit) and one while reading a note, which shows how the encumbrance thing used to be (before the bug, showing 330 limit).





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