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[Request]: Banking.


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(Zero knowledge of modding/scripting in any language)


Would it be at all possible to implement a mod which allows the player to;-


Deposit Gold,

Withdraw Gold,

Earn a set amount of interest.


Either via NPC interaction, or simply via a box/popup somewhere.


In the middle of trying to mod my skyrim to allow for a more "Passive" play-style. I've found a few gems which allow for an entrepreneurial experience,

but two things which are seriously lacking would be this and some form of real estate. (fable style, perhaps). I believe the latter would likely require the script extender which is in the works, but the former seems plausible to me. Cheers!

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Exchange Currency seems to only convert gold in to paper. Unless I'm missing something. Useful if you have weighted coins, but not quite what I'm after.

Bordeciel would be just about right, but requires SKSE on the original skyrim.

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yes. i was wondering about this issue myself. i think to be fair and more realistic a bank of some kind in each major town would be good. i know there is a mod that extends Solitude that has a bank as part of it but as to whether or not you can invest gold there or not im not sure.


here is the link for the expansion to Solitude:


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