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Arena Chariots


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i am curious if any modder out there would be interested is adding to the arena. for more details, pm me after notifying this messege.


you mean an chariot charging the player or chariots race? Anyway seems a interesting suggestion.


This would probably mean modifying horse but things like Akatosh mount among others show it is perfectly feasible yet not exactly simple.

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Not exactly possible in any way that would work. There is a cart mod somewhere that allows the player to sit in a cart being pulled by a house, but that cart follows preset routes, and would probably not function with player controlls, and certainly would not function to any degree with the NPC combat AI. Put simply, an NPC cannot sit on a horse or anywhere else and still attack you. At best you might be able to combine in something similar to mounted spellcasting, and make the NPC totally dispondant to all Combat, and just controlled through scripts. But at that point you're looking at a huge amount of scripting and a very rigid system of movement (since you'd be practically removing all AI). Even if you could get past all the technical issues, what you'd be left with wouldn't be particularly playable or interesting.


Besides, the arena is a bit too small for anything like that to happen. And if you had a larger arena, you could certainly do more interesting things with it.

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