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Bandits maruders and everything


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I have a problem non of the creatures exsept quest creatures attack me vampiers maruders bandits and so on...

They dont attack unles I attack first? Hawe reinstaled the game and even tried a new char just to se if it is just the save game.

General creatures stil attacks like rats ghosts but no humans or other playeble races?


Any segjustions why? :unsure:



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I have a problem non of the creatures exsept quest creatures attack me vampiers maruders bandits and so on...

They dont attack unles I attack first? Hawe reinstaled the game and even tried a new char just to se if it is just the save game.

General creatures stil attacks like rats ghosts but no humans or other playeble races?


Any segjustions why? :unsure:




Haven't you a very high personality? this can really keeping then from attacking you.


hmm, even with new characters? really weird.. the thing that occurs me is something in your Oblivion.ini (that is kept even on reinstall). You can try doing a backup copy of it and copying the Obilivion_Default.ini from your instalation folder to the \my documents one, renaming it to Oblivion.ini

if this correct the problem, so try figuring the problematic line or come again in search for help to locate the line that can be causing the issue.


If you don't have actually mods installed that changes the ini you can just keep the new one.

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I have a problem non of the creatures exsept quest creatures attack me vampiers maruders bandits and so on...

They dont attack unles I attack first? Hawe reinstaled the game and even tried a new char just to se if it is just the save game.

General creatures stil attacks like rats ghosts but no humans or other playeble races?


Any segjustions why? :unsure:



It's either a very high personallity (like above 150), or it's because the game cannot process things fast enough to run those checks. The high personallity issue can be figured out by either checking your stats in game, or by opening console, selecting a bandit (which would normally be agressive) and typing in "getdisposition player". If the disposition returned is over 90, you have either a personallity issue, or you have a mod running which is screwing with dispositions (being added to NPC factions can cause this and won't normally be seen).


The processor issue is a bit more tricky. First, ensure that there is nothing processor heavy running in the background. It probably doesn't need to be said, but you should be using a computer which is higher than 1.4 mhz if you're using windows XP, or 2 mhz if using Vista. Open the task manager in windows (see users manual) to cancel any known processes that are eating up speed (instant messager clients, voice chat clients, extra security software (disable internet connection first (see users manual))). Ideally you want to be below 10% computer usage before you start the game. If you don't know what a running process is, google it before stopping it. Keep in mind, unless the processor issue is related to something which running in the background, and isn't needed, this is only a temporary fix and it is suggested that you get a better computer or figure out what is wrong with the one you have. Long term disabling of security software and other components just to play a game can have unwanted results which may cause damage to the computer.

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